twenty-seventh thought

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you hold me

as we're watching

a thriller drama.

you are immersed into the plot,

and i am immersed with you,

stealing glances from time to time,

looking at you,

because i enjoy the sight of you

paying attention to all the details.

"obviously the killer would have to be myungjo!"

you declare.

"hm, i think it's tasha."

i only say that to see your response.

"why tasha? she's the most un-suspicious person!

she helped out everyone

and all the clues are leading to myungjo.

it's the 22nd episode,

and i think it might end soon.

the second clue we found out,

says that it was leading to

a male convict, not a female."

cute, i ponder.

"taehyung," i laugh,

looking at you.

"what?" you turn.

i see the cute, confused look on your face.

"i know tasha's not the killer.

i only said so to see what you would say,"

i giggle.

"ya," you laugh along with me,

snuggling your head

onto my neck,

throwing me down on the bed,

along with you.

the air in your room is cold.

the lights are dimmed.

we stare at each other for a while,

and i see your eyes start reddening

and tears start to fall.

"taehyung." i sit up, concerned.

i wipe off your tears with my sweater sleeve.

"stop crying, you're scaring me.

what's wrong?"

you don't say anything immediately,

and i grab hold of your hand,

tightening my grip on it.

i don't like seeing you upset.

i start to choke up.

"why are you crying?"

"because i'm afraid of losing you again."

you start touching my hair.

"you're too precious to lose.

i'm such a fool for losing you the first time.

what if i lose you again?"

"you won't lose me again," i tell you.

you pull out your pinky,

where a small ring lays.

our promise ring you got for us

a few days ago.

i connect my pinky with yours,

and we wrap around,

with my promise ring also present.

"you won't lose me again."

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