twelfth thought

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the door opened.


the woman threw herself onto you,

and you smiled upon the view of seeing her.

your eyes worked its way over to mine,

and you had the same shocked expression.

we didn't meet on accident once,

but twice.

i'm alarmed by the steady increase

of times we met accidentally.

"areum? what are you doing here?"

"oh, you two know each other?"

you ignored your mother's question,

and your eyes grew dark and worried.

"i'm sorry, i didn't know this was your home,"

i tried to explain swiftly,

gathering up my belongings,

remembering to grab jungkook's bag.

"you don't have to apologize," you answer.

"it's just-" you stop there,

and i can tell we're thinking about the same thing.

you close the door behind you.

the stiff air is still between us,

just like it has always been.

"i helped your mom return back home."

you look over to your mother,

who was as confused as we were.

she stands there,

muddled by the situation,

and takes a seat on the sofa.

"did i do something wrong?" she inquired.

"no," we both said at the same time,

exchanging awkward looks at each other.

thunder rumbles and crackles,

making me jump from the noise.

i run over to the windows.

it's raining hard,

and i bite my lip.

i won't have anyone to drive me home,

not tonight.

and i don't want jungkook to come here,

seeing me with my ex boyfriend.

a notifications rings on my phone,

and i take it out,

ignoring stares from taehyung.


where are you?

im at a friend's house

you don't have to worry about anything, I'm ok

wherever you're at, stay there for the night.

it's too dangerous for you to come back.

tomorrow give me the address and i'll pick you up

it's okay you don't have to do that

are you sure?


ok, areum.

i love you, stay safe.

i love you too

i turn off my phone,

stuffing it in my back jean pocket.

"who was that?" you ask,

and start to take off your jacket.

"jungkook," i say,

and you nod your head.

your mom does't ask who he is.

she remains silent,

thinking to herself.

finally, she gets up,

and starts to head off to a different room.

"taehyung, let areum borrow some of your clothes

for the night."

"he doesn't have to do that, mrs. kim-"

she turns towards me.

"you'll need something to change into.

i'll wash your clothes,

so you'll have something to wear tomorrow."

i couldn't reject her offer,

so i smiled awkwardly towards you,

and you stood in front of me,

returning an odd expression,

which told me that you didn't want to

share your clothes.

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