twenty-sixth thought

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today your hair returns to a normal

brunette color.

i think every hair colors suits perfectly on you.

seeing such a normal hair color on you

makes me surprised,

since i don't remember you

having one.

the only time i remembered you displaying

your natural dark brown

was when you saved me from the day we first met.

it brings back memories.

"how do you like it?" you inquire.

"i love it," i respond nervously,

scrolling through numerous amounts of clothes

for you.

"are you sure?" you check.

"you look the most handsome

with any hair color."

"okay," you respond cutely,

your voice perks up.

"cute," i think out loud.


"i said that was cute."

"what was?"

"your 'okay'."

"okay," you repeat,

and i laugh along.



okay," you continue to say

until we step foot out of the store.

whenever i say something,

you respond with "okay."

"i don't think it's cute anymore," i jokingly say.

"okay," you reply.

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