ninth thought

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taking care of a child is harder then i thought.

i have to catch haewon multiple times

because she's running away from me a lot.

i am especially anxious around roads,

so i have to carry her then.

but she's so eager to play and run

that whenever i hold her,

she shakes with all her might

until i eventually give up and set her down

on the green grass,

to jump and play.

we head off to the park.

the playground that i remember so well

is right before my eyes,

and the image in my head

flashes back to the moment

you and i were here.

i stop thinking about it,

and it disappears from my view.

i can't think about you anymore,

because i'm with jungkook now.

and being with jungkook is whom i shall be until then.

she sings, "play, play, play!"

and i lift her up the slides

and her bright laugh

echoes into the light sky.

i follow her,

looking around the old playground

that hasn't changed one bit.

the only thing is that there are more children playing,

and that makes me happy.

"haewon!" a fellow cheery voice shouts.

my head whips to the direction of the voice right away,

and i see a young boy,

who is wearing cute spectacles around his eyes.

he's in matching suspenders and

i stare in awe.

he looks so cute,

and his voice sounds bright and similar to haewon's.

"hi, min!" haewon greets back, waving.

min? what an adorable name.

the boy looks up to me

and suddenly repeats,

"stranger danger!"

i panic, embarrassed, and bite my lip.

"min-ah what's wrong?" another manly sound appears

into my view.

my eyes drop.

and i quickly take hold of haewon's hand.

"uh, haewon, i think it's getting late..." i stutter.

"unnie, we just got here!"

how did this happen?

what did i do for this to happen to me?

i'm about to run out the playground,

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