twenty-fourth thought

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we come home

to your house

exactly three hours later,

and you still have a

plateful of funnel cake

on your hand,

with your other one

wrapped around me.

as we sit down on your bed,

we think alone for a moment.

i feel like this is where i belong.

we've had our shares of ups and downs,

and we will continue to have them in the future,

but the feeling when i am in your arms,

everything feels right

and no one will ever be able to

give me the same affection.

you're mine again,

and i'm so glad.

"this photo was taken of us

when we went on that field trip,

remember?" i asked,

grabbing all of our old polaroids

laid out on the glass coffee table.

all the memories return back to my head,

showing every single detail in motion.

i remember my heart beating rapidly

as i stared at your face and

daydreamed about something cute

you did that day.

i start grabbing other pictures,

talking out loud to myself,

without realization

and you listen to me quietly,

with your palm rested on your chin.

after the eleventh photo,

i catch a glimpse of your eyes,

and you're staring at me so intently.

"what?" i question you, and you shake your head.

"keep talking. i was listening."

i giggle, spotting some leftover funnel cake sugar

residing on your lips.

i reach over to clean it,

and our eyes lock once again

and i freeze in place.

this time, our lips touch,

and it's a kiss that i haven't experience before.

a passionate, reckless kiss.

our lips crash into each other's,

and finally,

your lips starts to travel down deeper,

casually sliding down my neck.

i open my eyes,

finding your mouth slightly smirking,

as if you are asking me for consent.

i return back your cruel smirk.


🤑🤑🤑🤑 super light smut even tho i suck at writing smut

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