sixth thought

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"y-you weren't supposed to read them," i gasp in horror.

you smirk at me.

"your dad gave your jar to me

when you were out for college."

your voice suddenly becomes more annoying

than i've remembered,

and i try to avoid your gaze on me.

"what do you mean?" i say quickly,

rearranging my thoughts.

"i tried looking for you two years ago.

when i came to your house,

your father recognized me,

and gave me your jar,

because he wanted me to give it to you.

i found your notes about me,

from high school."

"and you read them?!" i screamed.

your eyes flashed a look of guilt.

"how couldn't i?"

"kim taehyung!"

i grab you by your collar

and you try to pull away.

you're wearing a nice red shirt.

i let out a loud wail on your chest.

"kwon areum, do you still feel the same about me?"

i punch you as hard as i can,

and you yelp, falling on the couch.

"i was just wondering," you mumble

and rub your chest,

looking down.

"i-i'm sorry." i carefully back away from you.

trying to stand up again,

you start walking closer to me.

"i don't feel the same anymore," i confess.

"oh." you look up at the ceiling this time,

and return back to looking at me. "ok," you finally say.

what would you think if i had say yes?

would you have taken me back into your arms once again?

"because i'm dating jungkook," i blurt

and your face immediately turns

and your jaw hangs wide open.

"what?" i can barely hear you.

i can feel the anxiousness.

"jeon jungkook? from year 12?"

i nod my head.

"i'm supposed to be meeting him today."

the lie slips through my lips.

"oh, if i had known..." you think out loud,

rubbing your neck more shyly

than you've been acting today.

"it's okay," i respond.

"things have changed, huh?" you laugh out of despair,

and i laugh awkwardly along

so you're not the only one.

there's a cold, quiet, midst between us.

"but-but don't worry," i reassure.

and your head turns.

"my feelings for you were true back then."

i smile thinking about it.

how my old, young self was so foolish

and desperate for love.

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