tenth thought

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i get out of the shower,

and automatically fall onto the bed

without thinking of much.

he hugs me before i can react

and sniffs my hair.

"coconut?" he asks,

and i nod my head.

my shampoo, i think.

"how did you know?"

i feel his jaw slightly move.

"i don't know, i just do,"

making me laugh.

he holds me tighter,

wrapping our sheets

over each other

and only seeing his eyes

makes me feel comfortable.

we stay silent,

with his arms around my shoulder,

and we're scrolling through our own phones

to check up with the latest social media updates.


i hear the sound click,

his iphone turning off.

my eyes glance at his.

"yes?" i respond.

his eyes stare intently into mine.

"jungkook..." i push.

he looks away.

"do you love me?" he asks.

i lay there, still,

surprised by his sudden question.

"of course, why?"

"i just wanted to hear that to comfort myself,"

he answers.

i have more questions to ask,

but i rather keep them to myself.

i wonder if something's wrong.

if i'm not good enough for him.

why else would he ask me that question?

"i love you, jungkook," i say.

he smiles warmly and closes his eyes,

pulling me close to his chest.

"i love you, too, areum."

i wish moments like these would never end,

because i want to be with him forever.

something about his closeness to me,

and how his voice soothes me to sleep.

that is all i ever ask of anyone.

for someone to love me back.

and i already have jungkook,

don't i?

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