fifteenth thought

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"i'm sorry?" my mouth feels dry.

i lick my lips.

"you still love taehyung," she repeats,

and my eyes dart in different places.

is it true?

the feelings i feel for you,

have they never disappeared?

is this why i think about you all the time?

i don't speak,

but your mom does.

"i can't see, areum.

but i can tell.

the emotion in your voice when you speak to my son.

the nervous air that lingers when you are by his side.

areum, be honest, do you still love him?"

my throats ache,

and take another sip of the herbal tea.

"i-i don't know." i close my eyes.

"mrs. kim, with all due respect,

my loyalty is with jungkook now-"

"i understand that you are with jungkook."

your mom stands up,

starting to clean up plates.

"but you don't feel the same way, do you?"

i'm supposed to be mad right now.

mad at your mother for putting me in places

i can't get myself out of.

but i can't argue because

i think she's right.


^^^whenever u guys are feeling unloyal with your biases, refer back to this chapter !!!

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