seventh thought

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it's been a good month

since the last time i've seen you.

and jungkook and i have been

on more and more dates,

and he has given me

more and more flowers,

and the numbers are catching up

to yours fast.

i think about what you might've said

if i told you this.

"i don't care," you would probably say,


and if we were dating,

all your envy would go away

when i gave you a quick hug

and peck on your blushing cheeks.

jungkook kisses me on my forehead,

and we giggle with each other

as we watch a recently new

romantic comedy that had come out.

people in front and behind us in the cinema

shush us.

we continually apologize,

and we end up getting kicked out,

but one more kiss

with jungkook's lips on mine

tells me that it's okay.

his lips feel the same as yours.



and even a little plump.

we've kissed more than a dozen times.

he always hugs me.

but even when i'm embracing him,

something feels different.

there's a different aura about jungkook

that's separate from yours.

when i kiss him,

all the physical feelings are the same,

but i don't feel the electric adrenaline

rushing through my veins.

i don't feel the violent beating of my heart

that's pumping so hard that i can barely breathe.

i don't feel my thoughts crossing each other

all at the same time.

when i kiss him, i think of you.

is that wrong?



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