thirtieth thought [final]

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six months after our wedding,

our love hasn't changed,

and i am so happy

i could explode.

i don't remember fighting or

arguing with you.

our last "fight" was over

who looked the best

the night we went out on a double-date

with jungkook and minji.

you hold me in your arms,

and your lips are pouting,

another habit of yours,

as we are watching a

new drama.

i enjoy your comfort with me.

you start snoring

and i chuckle,

setting you softly

on our bed.

i place your head

on the pillow,

pulling the blanket

over you.

i sit on the side,

watching your chest

rise and fall.

you then grab me,

and i yell out of shock,

and you snuggle with me,

with your head on top of mine.

"you weren't actually sleeping," i laugh.

"it's cute when you're unaware," you answer.

"shut up," i say sarcastically.

your eyes open.

i gape at you,

and you smile back,

giving me a quick kiss.

"i'm going to sleep for real now."

you turn on your back.

"so am i."

"just kidding.

do you wanna watch the rest of the drama?

it's getting good so far."

i chuckle,

and your rectangular smile

grows wide.

"sure, as long as it's with you."

being in love with you

is the best feeling in the world.

is it right to benefit this much

from loving someone?

my life is complete.

being with you,

that's all i would ever ask for.

— F I N A L E —

AnnnnnD that marks the end of limerence, the continuation of evanesce! <3 thank you so much for joining me on this journey. i enjoyed writing this story so much, and i hope you enjoyed reading it! i'm trying to complete my 34920834 drafts and i'll have a new fic coming out soon:) i mainly write basing off the bts maknae line, but i'll try to include hyung line and other groups as well. tysm for supporting this series.

highest; #232 in poetry (170601)


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