twentieth thought

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your mother's surgery was successful,

but she won't be back home until a couple months.

i'm the only one in this hospital right now.

all the lights are turned off;

employees have left for home,

ending their night shift.

i've seen people come and go

and not once have i moved from my very seat.

it was cold when i got here,

but now it feels warm and the

unusual smell of the building once overpowered my scent,

i have been sitting here for so long now,

that i have gotten used to it.

my expression lays untouched as well,

and my features have not moved.

i blink once or twice to reel back into reality again,

but i can't shake the image of you

out of my head.

i don't know why i keep loving you,

but i do.

i hear the sound of a cart wheeling

closer to my place,

and i look up,

as you smile lightly.

you are attached to the cart,

where a liquid of some sort sits

in a special bag.

your face is pale,

and your lips are bruised

and dry.

i grab your left wrist,

and see that the doctors

have fixed up your cut

and treated it well.

i don't say anything

and my head falls to your chest,

where i feel and hear it breathing softly.

i wrap my arms around your waist

and finally now,

my tears spill.

i cough multiple times,

and you don't do anything

but hug me.

i pull away and start to punch your chest.

"idiot," i insult, tears rolling down my cheeks.

i punch again.







"stop." you stop me and pull my face closer to yours.

"i'm sorry. i wasn't thinking correctly."

"so you didn't care about me after all?

you were going to leave me here all alone?"

i choke on my salty tears.

"areum, i didn't..."

you bite your lip.

"i felt guilty after my mom's accident.

i was supposed to be the one protecting her,

but i let her get hurt...

i-i didn't think about you, and i'm sorry."

i can't talk anymore because

i'm crying.

i don't remember your blonde hair being so rare,

but i'm admiring it now

like it's some sort of delicacy.

i almost lost you.

again, kim taehyung.

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