eighth thought

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jungkook's abrupt voice

interrupts me from rest

and i slowly stretch and sit up on our bed,

yawning several times.

i make a surprised noise from my mouth

when i see him holding up

a young girl

no older than the age of seven

before my tired eyes.

she giggles and he smiles too.

"my niece, haewon,"

he introduces and i quickly get up,

trying to look my best.

"unnie, unnie!" the younger child chants

and she runs up to my leg and hugs it.

i turn to jungkook with an alarming look

and he whispers,

"i need you to take care of her for me.

i'll be back by about eight."

he's already about to head out the door,

and i frantically struggle to walk

with haewon holding onto my foot.

"i'm sorry, my sister had a last-minute meeting or something,"

he explains,

and i help him tie his tie.

"you're heading off to work?" i check.

"yeah, areum, things are going well.

i think they might even give me a promotion."

seeing his smile gives me no choice.

"okay..." i give in, saying it slowly,

and he gives me a quick hug before

heading off.

"hi there haewon,"

i say in my best childlike voice.

"hello unnie!" she greets me,

and makes me laugh of her cuteness.

her cheeks are chubby and her appearance

reminds me of jungkook so much,

it makes my heart swell with delight.

"let's get cleaned up, shall we?"

i ask,

and she enthusiastically nods her head.

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