fourth thought

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"remember the girl i told you i liked in

the twelfth grade?" he asks me.

a timid smile appears

on his lips.

"no," i say.

his face changes,

his eyebrows furrowed.

i laugh,

and he can't help but

chuckle a little too.

"you've had so many crushes;

how can i remember?" i ask.

he shrugs.

"to refresh your memory..."

he pulls out a big bag

and hands it to me.

i eye him.

"for you," he simply replies.

i open the bag.

inside is my umbrella.

the umbrella i've been looking for so long.

it's black-and-white printed,

and i let him borrow it

when we first met.

there's also a couple of

family movie DVDs,

a bag of microwavable popcorn.

there's also a little notebook

covered in hearts.

"open it," he tells me.

i bite my lip.

they are journal entries.

my eyes widen,

the nostalgic feeling reminiscing

inside me.

but they aren't mine.

they're his.

they're jeon jungkook's journal entries,

written about me.

"dear areum-shi,

i think you're very pretty."

"dear areum-shi,

i wish you would look at me lovingly,

like you look at kim taehyung."

i quietly gulp.

he knew.

there are thirty-something more entries.

he wrote them about me?

"jungkook...?" i gasp,

and he flashes me a smile.

his face reddens

"areum," he starts.

i start coming up with a list of things

he's about to say.

i hope the nervousness i'm feeling

is not showing on my face.

"please be my girlfriend."

he takes out a couple promise ring.

i laugh triumphantly.

i accept,

feeling like i've been proposed to.

he smiles,

and he hugs me.

customers in the café

turn to look,

casually smiling,

seeing a young couple happy.

i like jeon jungkook.

he's been with me when you haven't.

but the memory of you

keeps gnawing in the back of my head.

and i hate that.

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