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Caroline's Pov

It was now nine thirty at night and May was in her bassinet, right next to our bed, sleeping away and Hope was sleeping in her bed in her room. I heard a car pull in which means Klaus and Kol are back from New Orleans. I quietly got up and tiptoed downstairs. I seen that Sam was also with Kol which meant that they probably picked her up on their way to New Orleans. We haven't seen each other in a couple weeks or so and that's a long time to go without one of your best friends. "Caroline" she yelled when she seen me come down the stairs and everyone looked up and she sped over to me and gave me a hug, a little tight and she saw me wince in a little pain and I looked down and she was surprised. "Your pregnant" she asked me and I nodded and this time we both got excited.

12:00 AM

Klaus's Pov

"So how was New Orleans" Rebekah asked while I was sitting next to Caroline and Sam was sitting next Kol. "It was fine. Besides the fact that Marcel is still there and trying to rule our town" I said and Rebekah and Elijah nodded and Caroline yawned. "I'm going to go to bed. We have school this morning" Caroline said and I smiled and she walked upstairs to our room.  "Well I'm also gonna go to bed" I said and I said goodnight to everyone and joined Caroline in the bed.

5:30 AM

Caroline's Pov

I woke up to my phone alarm, luckily May was sleeping in her nursery and Hope was in her room. I could see the annoyed face on Klaus because my alarm woke him up. "Sorry, but I need to get up" I said and gave him a kiss and then tried to get off the bed but he pulled me back. And my lips crashed right onto his. "Klaus, I'm got to get ready for school" I said, even though I didn't really want to go but I needed to. "Fine, I will see you later. I love you" he said as I was getting some clothes from my dresser. "I love you to" I said and went into our bathroom.

After my shower was finished, I could hear Klaus sleeping soundly, so I tried not to disturb him. I got changed into a white crop top and thankfully no one knew I am pregnant. Which means I got to tell Elena and all of our friends today. This should be a fun day.  After I was done brushing my hair, I could hear May making noises, so I sped to her nursery and grabbed her before she started crying and woke up Hope.

I walked downstairs with her and luckily Elijah was down here. "Can you feed her and then give her to Klaus when he wakes up please" I asked him and he smiled and took her from my arms, while I got me a blood bag from the fridge. "Morning, Bekah" Elijah said, when she entered the kitchen. She was all ready with perfect clothes on and makeup done but I still notice sleep bags under her eyes. "Tired much" I asked her and she just looked at me but then stopped.  "Well I was on the phone most of the night with Stefan, so yeah I am very tired" she said, sitting down next to me with a blood bag in her hand and in seconds she looked very refreshed. "So are you and Stefan official" I asked her and then Sam walked in, fashionably late like always. "We haven't decided" she answered and Sam secretly nodded to me like they were a thing and I quietly laughed.


"Sam, Rebekah. Lets go or we will be late" I yelled now that every single person in the house was awake. "Okay, Caroline  we will be right there" Rebekah said in her snarky voice like always. 

Five minutes later, they both come down the stairs like their princesses. "Oh my gosh, lets go people" I said and they finally listened and we got into my car and drove to school.

When we got to the school, I seen Elena and Stefan waiting in the front for us and they started walking towards the parking lot when they seen us pull in. "Hey, Care" Elena said, when I got out of my car and I smiled. "Hey can I talk to you and Stefan, please" I said and they both nodded and also looked confused, not to mention concerned. "What's, going on Caroline" Stefan asked, as we walked away from everyone else. "I have some news" I said and they both still looked confused. And I was scared to see there reactions but also excited. "I'm pregnant" I said and both Stefan's and Elena's mouth dropped. "Wait, you mean I'm gonna have another niece or nephew" Elena said and I smiled and we were both very excited, and Stefan smiled and we met up with everyone else.

When we all got to Social Studies, we greeted Alaric and took our seats. "Morning, students today we are learning about The Civil War" he said and droned on and on and on.

When class was over, Elena and I had a free period so we went to the picnic area and sat. "So how does it feel to be pregnant again" she asked me and I just shrugged because you don't really feel anything besides sickness in the beginning. "It feels weird because I'm not used to having a baby again in my stomach, I guess" I said and she nodded like she understood me which is why Elena is my best friend. She understands you. "Well we have about thirty minutes until English, wanna go get some food from taco bell" she asked and I nodded and I just realized I am starving.


"Bye, Care. I will text you later" Elena said right before getting into Damon's car because he was picking her up and I waved goodbye and I got into my car where Rebekah and Sam already were.  "Ready to go home" I asked them and they nodded and I applied my foot to the pedal and we were off.

When we got home, I seen Klaus holding Hope and Kol talking with Hope. "Hey, were home" Rebekah yelled out and Hope came out and gave us all a hug . "Thank god, now Sam, why don't we go upstairs and work on our chemistry" Kol said with a flirty face and she smiled and took his hand and I almost gagged. "Don't listen to them" I whispered in Hope's ear and she giggled and we all walked to the living room. "Daddy, Aunt care is back home" Hope yelled as I walked into the living room and sat down. "I see, now why don't you go play in your playroom" he said with his cute accent and she ran off. "Please take her, for god sakes" he said, handing me May and I just laughed and took her and she was just fine. "How" he said and gave me a kiss but walked away and I continued to laugh.

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