Seeing Caroline

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Klaus's Pov

I feel like something is missing from my life. I have my daughter and my family, what else could I possibly want. Caroline. I wanted to see Caroline. I got out of bed and took a shower to see if I could think of any ideas in there. After I got out, I had no ideas. I went down to make coffee and to see who was awake.

Once I reached the kitchen I seen Haley down there drinking a blood bag with Hope in her bassinet right next to her. I gave Hope a kiss on her head and then went to the coffee maker. "Do you think I could go up to Mystic Falls to see Caroline" I asked Haley. She gave me a confused look. "Why do you need my permission" she said while I poured my coffee. "Because of Hope. I don't want to leave if you need help." I said as I went back to Hope and Haley. "Well there is more than just me here so ya you can go" she said and I smiled. I told her thank you and sped up to my room to pack.

Caroline's Pov (New Pov yay)

I miss him. I miss Klaus. Since Elena is in a coma and Bonnie is off traveling the world with Jeremy, I have been all alone. I couldn't spend time with Stefan because he is in full ripper mode with his humanity off and Damon is in Europe with Alaric. I went back into my house and just sat on the couch. I got a call and the caller id said Klaus. I answered it.

C: hey Klaus
K: what's wrong love
C: I'm all alone everyone has left
K: well maybe you should go see your front door.

He hung up

I sped to the front door to see Klaus standing there with flowers. I quickly opened the door and gave him a huge hug. "Did you really miss me that much love" he said and I nodded and smiled. He gave his famous smirk and his dimples. I invited him in and we sat in the living room. "You know how you told me you were lonely" Klaus asked me and I nodded. "Well I was thinking maybe you could come live with me, and my family and now my new daughter" he asked and I nodded." When have you had a daughter" I asked and he told me. We went up to my room and got everything beside clothes because I'm going shopping down there with Rebekah, Haley, and there friend named Sam.

Klaus's Pov

We just got off the private jet and got into my red convertible. I showed her around New Orleans and were they do stuff. After that we went to the mansion. We got out of the car and Rebekah came running and gave Caroline a big hug. She smiled and then Haley came out with Hope and gave her to me. Caroline came over and awed at her. "So I thought you were only going to visit her" Haley said, hoping that she was living here. "Well she said she was alone so I decided why doesn't come and live with us and she agreed to move in" I said and Bek and Haley came and gave her a big hug. After the hug they showed her where she would sleep. Since she didn't have any clothes, Rebekah, Caroline. Haley and Sam all went shopping. Which meant I was home with Kol, Elijah and my favorite, Hope. I snuggled her and played with her and then held her in my arms and fed her a bottle. Once she finished, I put her over my shoulder with a burp cloth and burped her. Once she burped I put her on my shoulder and let her sleep with a blanket over her.

I walk down the stairs to where Freya was quietly, not to wake Hope. I would've left her in my room but we don't know who might break in. "Do you think you can put a protection spell around the house, sister" I asked emphasizing the s in sister. "Yes but give me five minutes to get the stuff" she said and I nodded. I waited in the front until Freya got there. "I'm here, I can start" she said carrying candles. She started chanting and chanting. Her nose started to bleed and it was making her weak. "Its done" she said and fell to the floor. I caught her with one hand because I was carrying Hope. "Elijah" I said and he ran in. He carried Freya to her room while unexplained what was happening.

Sam's Pov

We just got home from the mall and we all had about fifty bags. We carried out bags to our rooms while Kol gave me a flirty look and vice versa. After we dropped our bags off, Caroline came up to me. "What was with the flirty eye look with you and Kol" she asked, like it wasn't obvious. "Well we like each other, but I want to take it slow" I said and she agreed. I went down to Haley, who was with Hope and Klaus. She let me hold her while she got us all blood bags. "Sam I was wondering do you wanted to be God mother" Haley asked me and I nodded so fast she started laughing. "Klaus gets to pick the God father" she also stated. I could tell she was hoping it was Elijah. "So you and Elijah what's going on there" I asked and she gave me a confused look. "We all know you guys like each other, so why don't you guys just do it already" I said and she looked like she was going to kill me because Elijah came in and was listening to the whole thing. "Well I'm going to leave it to you guys then" I said and left the room and burst out laughing and you could hear the rest of the girls laughing from down the hall so I joined them.

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