Chapter 12

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 Harry's P.O.V.

"Cryssy?! Cryssy?!!!" I yelled and yelled again trying to grab her attention but all I could here from her end was choked up sobs and coughing until the call ended. "Fuck!" I cursed angrily, I flipped through my contacts and called Lou. He was my only hope in getting to her. I felt my anger rise with each ring until he picked up. 

"Haz it's nearly midnight, what the hell are you calling me for? I've got work at -"

"I need you too go check on Cryssy right now it's an emergency" I interrupted briskly, walking towards the edge of my bed and throwing my bag on it. 

"What? Why?" Louis yawned, I could hear the shuffling of blankets from his end as I began tossing clothes into the bag. 

"something happened to Cryssy. She dropped the phone and there was weird noises an suddenly the call cut off. I need you to go check on her Lou, now. 

"Haz, calm down. How do you know the call didn't just drop?"

"Because I could hear her crying Lou, somethings wrong" I stated firmly. "Now please. Go check on her or I'm flying out myself to do it:"

"Jesus Harry, alright. I'll call you within the hour with some news" 

"Thank you" I replied gruffly before hitting the end button. I hoped like hell he'd hall ass before my anxiety got the best of me and I left anyways. What I wasn't natural. There's no way she's okay. 

A knock on the door brought me back to earth, although it was midnight in London it was only 9 here and Matt seemed to enjoy late night visits to check I wasn't out and getting arrested again. 

"Harold" Matt sang cheerily, "I was wondering-" he stopped at the sight of me standing at the edge of the bed, cell in one hand and clothes in the other "-what the hell are you doing?" he asked. 

"I uh, I got a call from Cryssy. Something's wrong and I may be leaving tonight" I informed him, not bothering to lie. 

"You can't leave Harry you have a match tomorrow. A very important much that will decide whether or not you'll go into the semi-finals" Matt explained seriously, his expression slightly distressed with the knowledge of my possible absence. 

"Look it's not for sure right now. I have Lou going to check on her" I explained calmly, as I slowly put the remainder of my clothes into the travel bag. 

"Is that so?" Matt replied casually. "Well I hope you don't mind me staying to hear the news" he added, ambling back to the living room to take a seat. I grabbed my bag and followed him out, dropping it by the front door while I stared at him curiously. What was he getting at?

"I guess not..." I replied slowly, my brows furrowed in confusion as I spoke. 

"So Harry, while we wait, tell me about you're girlfriend"

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