Chapter 2

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A hiss of pain escaped my lips as the nurse wrapped the bandage around my fingers and over my knuckles. I had made the mistake of punching a wall earlier, I couldn't help it. I was angry and it was the only option I had other than Matt's face. 

It should have been Matt's face.

"Sorry sir" Miranda apologized quickly, her short black hair falling to mask her face as she bowed her head to stare at my hand again. I grunted in response while she finished her job and left the hotel room. I pushed myself off the couch and ambled over to the balcony. I leaned onto the ledge, crossing my forearms over it to watch the sky. It was a lovely view. The night was utterly gorgeous but not what I was focused on. This used to be what I lived for, the hotels and city life, new fights every other night and girls of plenty. I didn't care for that now. 


I sighed at the voice, dropping my head and staring at the ground far below. Matt literally made me want to jump off a building sometimes. "What do you want?" 

"to talk about your days off. Obviously you're a bit stressed" he commented, treading lightly on the subject. 

"Obviously" I muttered back lowly. 

"I'm sorry we've been working you so hard Haz, I am. You know you're my friend but this is my job. And it's your job too so bare with me will ya? In a few days I can get you a flight back to London, maybe not for long but at least a few days." he offered. 

I grunted. "Fine, just get me home" I turned and entered the room again, walking past Matt and towards my bedroom. "I'll see you in the morning" 

"Goodnight Haz" he sighed. After closing the door behind me I smiled a bit and snagged my mobile off the dresser. I've been slightly afraid to talk to Cryssy. I fear she may be mad I can't contact her as much as promised. But I'd be going home soon, if Matt kept his word this time, and I wanted to give her a heads up...

I quickly scrolled over my contacts, picking Cryssy's number out almost routinely. Hitting call, I brought the phone to my ear and flopped backwards onto the bed. After the 3rd ring I began to worry...the forth, still nothing...the fifth...then voice mail. I frowned before speaking. 

"Hello love...I uhh. I've got some news? I know it's probably late there but I uhm...I miss you okay? Okay...I love you..uhm bye"

I groaned silently to myself as I hung up. I forgot about the time change, it was probably about 3am there. Stupid. I layed the phone on the dresser again and shoved my face into the pillow to mask my loud groan before flinging the pillow across the room, it hit the door with a thud and I could feel my own body heat rising. I needed a cold shower..


Sweat dribbled down my temple as I swung again. Matt tried to hit me back as was the routine for this type of training. I dodged and swung again, hitting the targets on his hands over and over with ease. 

"Alright, Break!' he called. I stepped away and tore my gloves off, throwing them onto the floor of the ring and stepped through the ropes. I popped the mouth guard out from between my lips and held it with my fingers as I reached down next to the ring and grabbed my water bottle from the floor, downing a few gulps before setting it back in place. My eyes wandered around the gym I was training in today, it was a bit old and rundown but the people in it weren't. They were all fresh faces and looked strong. Some unknown to the boxing world and some quite familiar to me. 

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