Chapter 19

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Harry and I took our time alone to settle down with a movie, using what little alone time we have this week to cuddle together on the couch for mainly my comfort rather than Harry's. Even though he denied it, I knew Harry still enjoyed my cuddles. But Harry, being Harry, fell asleep quickly, leaving me to watch the movie alone. When the credits began to roll I pulled out my phone to play with, waking Harry was a hustle so I might as well do something to occupy myself. Midway into the 3rd level of tetris, my game was interrupted by knocking at the front door. Presuming it was the mailman, I wandered over to the front door and let it swing open. My eyes opening wide at the sight of my childhood best friend and sometimes even my hero. 

"Oli!" I nearly screamed. I flew out the doorway and landed in his arms. My own arms locking around his neck as he held me just as tight. He was the older brother I always wanted and my absolute best friend from the age 5 to 18, when I left this town. Oli was a few years older than me but he never held my age against me. We were always best buds, I told him everything. He would even sneak me out of the house during my teenage years for parties or just to get me away from my parent's fighting. 

"I heard you were in town" Oli laughed, his messy brown hair nearly covering his eyes as he pulled away. 

"Yeah! Oh my god I didn't think you'd still be here" I breathed, ecstatic to see him. 

"Yep" he chuckled "I saw your parents and they told me you were here so I decided to come say hi, although I thought you said you wouldn't be coming back to this town?" he mused, one eyebrow arched questioningly. 

"Yeah,about that" I chuckled awkwardly, I took a step back and turned to find exactly who I was looking for. 

Harry stood in the hallways, a tired look on his face as he scratched the back of his head sleepily. His curls tied back in a bandana, his white, long-sleeved shirt a bit crinkled on the bottom just like his black jeans that held a hole in one knee. He was staring at us questioningly and I knew Oli was probably doing the same from behind me. 

"Harry!" I scurried over to him, grabbing his hand and guiding him back to where Oli had stepped through the threshold and was now closing the front door. "Harry this is Oli, one of my closest friends, Oli this is Harry, my boyfriend" I smiled. 

 "Boyfriend?" Oli quickly glared at Harry, assuming his position as protective older brother. 

"Yes, boyfriend. Harry's a professional boxer" I added hoping he would get the picture and NOT piss Harry off. 

"Yeah, I've heard of you. Ladies man, likes going out, dosen't care about people and ridiculously violent. Sounds like a real catch Cryssy" he snorted. My eyes shot wide, he was being really ballzy right now. 

"Yeah, that's me. Harry Styles." Harry smiled, putting out a hand. "Boyfriend to your best friend, willing to protect her with my life, support her and love her no matter what" he added smoothly. Well that was unexpected. 

Oli's glare flipped and turned to an approving smile. "Nice to meet you" he responded, shaking hands with Harry easily. 

Oli spent about an hour catching up, he questioned Harry part of the time and Harry took the questions like a champ and without fuss. I was extremely surprised. I expected snooty replies and jealousy all around. And although the occasional flash of irritation crossed when Oli hugged me or his hands lingered anywhere on my body for more than 5 seconds, Harry was very well behaved. 

When the door finally closed behind Oli and he wandered home, I turned to Harry with a very curious look. "What?" He asked innocently, wandering off towards the kitchen. 

"Well I'm just kind of wondering how the hell you didn't tear his head off after his explanation of you earlier?" I replied, my arms cross over my chest as I watched him fetch himself a glass of water. 

"I put myself in his shoes" he replied, taking a sip of water. He began to speak again when I continued to stare at him perplexed. "Obviously he thinks of you as a sister right? Well I thought about what it'd be like if I was in his shoes and you were Gemma? And she was dating some cocky ass hole from the TV? I'd be a right twat too, so, I decided to prove him wrong, show him I'm not some ass hole and I do care a whole lot about you" he explained, moving closer and placing his hands on my waist. 

"That was um, very thoughtful" I whispered, trying to deny the sadness tugging at my heart. Harry'd never be the protective brother to his sister because he already lost her, but it meant the world to me he thought about that when it came to Oli. 

Harry shrugged it off easily. "I told you I was raised right" a small smile playing on his lips. I returned it, pulling his face down for a sweet kiss before abruptly pulling away when the front door opened again. Apparently our privacy would be short lived from now until our departure on Sunday. 

"Guess who!" I waited for the familiar sounding voice to enter the kitchen. First my mother and Father wandered in, triumphant grins on their faces. If I didn't already know the voice was a male I'd think they brought aunt Gale. I cringed at the thought. Sometimes when my parents thought they had a great idea, it turns out to be total shit for me but as my uncle rounded the corner I couldn't have been more wrong. 

"Levy?" I asked incredulously. I hadn't seen him in quite some time. A large grin graced his features as he waltzed right on over, holding his arms out for me. I quickly fell into them, he was one family member I really liked. Unlike my aunt Gale. Again, I tried to hold back a cringe. Everyone has that freakishly old great aunt who looks like she just walked right out of her grave in strange clothes with awful breathe and always offers you hard candy from her giant purse. Yeah, well she's that family member. 

"Hey doll, been awhile" he laughed, his old hearty tone making me smile even more as we pulled apart. I nodded, trying to contain my happiness. Maybe seeing the family wasn't as awful as I always made it out to be. A few minutes after hogging my uncle with my never ending questions on how his training program was going my mother asked if anyone wanted tea. I went to help, hoping to god Harry played nice while I was gone. I knew there were unfinished ties between the two of them which wouldn't go unnoticed. 

A/N: Firstly, Cryssy is an only child guys! Where is this brother nonsense coming from? haha and to those who guessed it was  Levy YES you were oh so very right. Personally I'm a bit worried about how Harry will react to seeing his old trainer, how about you guys? (;

Secondly, you all might have noticed I don't do promos for people, they bug me and I strongly believe in making your own success, but I have to admit, my best friend Casey just started her first fanfic and she's smashing it! It'd mean a lot to her if a few of you went to check it out on her profile, pescapaxton . It's called Management c: 

ALSO I got interviewed by Strawbxrry, its in her book so you can check that out if you'd like. I just thought that as really super cool haha

Wow...long authors note. Thanks for reading!!!


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