Chapter 24

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My gaze went everywhere but Harry's face as I made my way over to him. The traveled across the bar, to the random couple sucking face in the corner, to Mikey at the bar mixing drinks, back to my friends, to Liam who watched me with a look of worry etched into his rugged features and even to Harry's shoes because I was too chicken to meet his eyes. 

"So you decided to show up?" I asked, taking the risk to speak first. 

Harry sneered "Yeah just to see my girlfriend all over her ex boyfriend" he spat. "what the hell Cryssy?!"

"It's not like my tongue was down his throat or I was grinding on my Harry. For Christ sake's! It's just a bloody dance." I snapped. "Since when do you give a shit enough to even pay attention to what I do?" The words were thick with hurt and anger, my arms crossing over my chest to show my utter distaste with the conversation we were having. 

"What do you want from me?! I've been training!" he bit back, his stalking figure hovering over me. 

"What about when you get home then huh? Am I that fucking invisible? Do you just not like me anymore?" My voice was strong and irritated at the beginning but with the last sentence my strong front began to falter. My eyes stung but I refused to show weakness just yet. 

"I'm just tired alright! I didn't realize you'd need me to wait on your hand and foot everyday" he growled. 

I pursped my lips and closed my eyes, letting my head bow as I let out the words I hoped I'd never have to say again. "We can't keep doing this Harry" When my eyes met his again, his eyebrows were furrowed and he carried a deep frown on his lips. I'd been thinking about the distance between us all week, maybe this was a stupid spur of the moment decision but there was no turning back now. 


"This" I whispered, "we can't keep fighting about this" I muttered. "Us"

"Cryssy, don't-"

"No" I quickly cut him off and swallowed the lump deep in my throat. "We both have other things to focus on now, maybe it's best we wait until all this has passed." 

"But you promised...." Harrys voice had lost all it's anger, leaving it low and solemn. His eyes seemed to bore right through me, the green surrounding his pupil seemed darker than ever as we exchanged stares. 

My thumb subconsciously rubbed over the promise ring Harry had given me before returning to work with Matt out of the country. He was right, I promised we would get through this together, but our situation now was much different. I carefully slipped the silver band from my finger and held it in my palm, open for Harry to take. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "I just can't do's over. I'll get my things tomorrow while you're training with Levy"

I couldn't gesture whatever Harry was thinking as he stared at the ring in my hand. Harry brought up his hand and gently curled my fingers over the ring, his frame bent and I watched as Harry lightly kissed my hand. I could feel each tear fall as his green eyes met mine , he lent closer and I closed my eyes, only to feel his lips place themselves against the skin of my forehead. "Until this is all over" he whispered. "I won't let go" I felt a droplet of water hit my skin before he turned away, not allowing me a single look at his face before he disappeared. My free hand rose towards my forehead, feeling the drop of water left by Harry, a single tear he had left me of his own but a million of mine to drown in. 


I wasn't sure where I was driving too. Everything was a fast forward blur until I stepped out of my car again. My feet carried me up the trail easily, my body not yet registering the cold. I felt hot all over, my brain hurt and my fists were shaking. I waited too long. Was all that rang through my mind until I reached the pleatue. My feet stood on the edge, overlooking the long field and sky littered with stars. The moon seemed so full and bright, how could something so terrible happen on a night just as beautiful as her? 

I dipped my fingers into the pocket of my flannel and grasped the small band within it I had just bought a few weeks ago. The light of the moon reflected off the diamond perched on top and just the sight of it angered me more. I read the words engraved on the inside over one last time before I clenched my hand around the silver band I planned to give her and chucked it as far as I could. 

It was our one year anniversary next week. I was going to make everything a surprise, block her out for a couple weeks so she'd be that much more shocked when I got down on one knee and asked her to be mine forever. 

But I guess  that won't be happening anymore.

I screamed out as loud as my lungs could handle and pulled at my hair, not caring how many strands I took out with my fingers. The pain would at least help numb my breaking heart. "What happened to 'Hold on to me'?" I whispered angrily to myself, my fist flying into the trunk of the tree beside me. "What happened to 'Don't let me go?'" I shouted, my other hand hitting the bark. I could hear a crack sound through the air but couldn't determine if it was the tree or my hand. The adrenaline pumping through my veins just kept me going. I stopped when I could see the blood begin to spill from my knuckles but I couldn't feel it. 

I dropped to my knees and slumped against the tree, my body felt drained and used. My head was pounding at a steady pace and my eyes burned. I could feel each bit of water fall over my burning cheeks but couldn't bring myself to wipe away the tears. How did I always lose it all? Everything I cared about was always taken away from me no matter what I did. Only this time, she wasn't taken from me, I pushed her away. 

A/N: pleasedon'tkillme

(no this is not the end I promise)

btw I totally kinda went off what I originally had planned with this chapter, but with what this adds I feel you'll be happy about it later so hopefully that eases the break up pain a bit?

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