Chapter 21

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I felt comfortable again as I stared in the mirror. It's been a long time since I could look at my reflection and feel okay but today I did. Maybe it was the excitement welling within me at the thought of going back to school. I know, nerd alert right? But I was going back to learning how to help people and that was something I cherished. I had gotten my schedule for the new semester in the mail just yesterday and thankfully all my classes were the same. 

I pulled my hair to the side and brushed out the bottom of my dress. It was a present from Nina. The dark blue fabric fit snugly around my torso and fanned out once it hit my hips, the length stopping at my knees. I added some tights, winter boots and black coat to warm the outfit up a bit for the weather and I was happy with the outcome. My eyes darted to the clock on the wall Harry kept and i cursed under my breathe. Ofcourse i was already late. Well, technically Mikey was because he was my ride to school this morning. 

Right on que a honk caught my ear from outside. I grabbed my messenger bag from the coffee table as I ran through the living room, quickly patting my pockets to check for my phone before slipping through the door and turning to lock it. Mikey grinned through the windshield as I hobbled down the drive, my arms holding together my coat since I failed to button it before leaving. 

"Cold?" he chuckled, turning up the heater. His car was so old and beat up I'm surprised it even worked. 

"Just a bit" I smiled, 

"I don't think dresses are adequate for London in January" he jested, 

"I pull this off great" I defended jokingly, "the cold is just a minor side affect" I reasoned

"Yeah say that again when you get pneumonia" I rolled my eyes, a smile still evident on my lips as we switched topics. The ride was short and we surprisingly made it on time for class. "Are you going to need a ride home?" Mikey questioned, his eyes wide and curious. 

"Noo, I'm alright blue, but thanks. Harry'll pick me up" I smiled. Michael nodded and switched off the car. 

"Well if ya need one, just shoot me a text" 

"Will do"

I walked by his side as we nerd the university. People were scattered all over the place, talking in their own little cliques, reading on the front steps despite the cold, or cramming before class. It kind of felt like high school, which I absolutely hated. Thankfully this was much better. I spotted Nina and Eleanor near the front doors, chatting up Liam and a few others. I pulled Mikey along with me, I knew he had no where else to go before class because he had admitted to not having to many friends. Of course I'm taking it upon myself to give him new friends. He didn't fight me much as I dragged him over to where the little group stood to chat. I recognized the other people as Niall, and Ashton my Biology class. He was on the football team with Liam. I'm sure Mikey could make friends with them right? Well, A Psychology major and two football players...maybe not but it was worth a shot right?

"Hey guys!" I smiled a bit too warmly, but then again I was excited to  be back and there was no masking that. 

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