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(Beau's name is pronounced like 'Bow' as in bowtie) 

I drew the curtain to the side and peaked through the small opening. I could see everyone from the second floor window in the old 18th century house we were being married in, every person who sat in those white chairs on the grass by the alter. I couldn't see Harry, I admit that scared me a little. I hadn't seen him all day. We hadn't been separated for such a long period of time in over a year. Beau was a little over one year old now. I could see his tiny figure in Nina's arms, she was sitting in the second row with a small crowd around her no doubt fawning over Harry and I's little miracle. But I still wished I could see Harry from up here, it would give me a little piece of mind to know he's still here, still loving me, still ready to say 'I do' to forever. The last time we spoke was last night, cuddled in bed before he had to leave


"Do you think Beau is alright at Lou's?" I asked for maybe the tenth time tonight. I wasn't sure but there was no cure for a worried mother. 

"Cryssy, he's fine alright? Calm down my love" Harry crossed our bedroom in two long strides, suddenly my body was enveloped in his. A sense of calming took over, as well as Harry's cologne in my senses. I sighed and pulled my own arms around his middle, sinking into his body naturally. 

Beau was at Louis and Eleanor's because Louis was the best man and Harry trusted Louis heart and soul that he'd take care of him. I would have let Nina taken care of him had she not killed her cat a week after getting him. She was also my maid of honor because I've known her the longest out of all my friends here. Harry and I decided a small bridal party was best for our very small wedding. It was really just our friends from town, most of my family and the few we could contact on Harry's side like his gran, Aunt Sadie, Uncle Ben and their two kids. I had yet to meet any of them but they all sounded delightful over the phone. I hoped they were all as accepting in person. 

"Okay, okay. I guess the nerves are just kicking in" I muttered a bit ruefully to the floor as we parted. 

"Ms.Heartly are you getting cold feet?" Harry fake scolded, a mask of sternness absorbing his features. 

I laughed "Of course not"

"Good, because a Styles would never back out" he winked and I felt that funny feeling in the pit of my stomach again. It felt as if a mini tidal wave had just gone on in there and left a swirling after affect in my head and body which tingled all over in glee. Harry added "Cryssy Styles....kinda cute" he hummed. "I could get used to it" I giggled again. 

"I sure hope so, as of tomorrow it will be my name"

"I can't wait" Harry bent down and brought our lips together in a sweet kiss. When my mind became fully occupied with the kiss, Harry's arms swung down and under my legs, sweeping me off my feet to carry bridal style to the bed. We stayed there for a few hours, kissing, talking about the future and our fears, how we'd face them together and even about Beau. He came up a lot actually, Harry confessed all he feared about becoming a flake like his dad or a jerk like his step dad. He wanted the absolute best for Beau and I knew that'd make him a better father than those men by far. Harry was his own person now, he was a man and he proved it. Especially every day he woke up to Beau's cries at 2am to feed him, or how each evening he'd steal Beau away from me for his own sake and take to the rocking chair in our living room to rock Beau to sleep. He'd sing each night, whether it be in the rocking chair or when next to Beau's crib. Harry had come up with his own lullaby and each time the song rang through my ears I almost wanted to cry. 


A cry of happiness broke my train of thought. My eyes landed on my mother in the doorway. Her hands were covering her mouth as her eyes filled with water. Slowly her hands were brought down and clasped in front of her. I noticed her fingers were painted a striking red, just like the long lace gown that pooled around her feet in small waves. Her teary eyed form drew closer, her watery smile on the bridge of falling apart. "You look gorgeous" she whispered.  "I've never seen a more beautiful bride" 

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