Chapter 1

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I closed the car door and crossed my arms over the top of the steering wheel, letting my forehead drop onto my arms and sighing deeply. The car still smelt a bit like Harry and helped to calm me but that was getting harder and harder as time passed. We haven't talked in 2 weeks. His schedule and mine were just too far off from each other and I was going through withdrawls. I struggled to make sure no one noticed though. Everyone thinks I'm fine but I feel like a part of me is missing. 

Something heavy settled in my gut as my mind brought back images of curly hair and green eyes. A dimpled smile was like a punch in the gut. I didn't even know if he was okay anymore. I missed his last fight on TV and there wouldn't be another for a few days. I just wanted him to fucking call me. I never wanted to be that clingy girlfriend but he was so fucking far from me. I had a right didn't I?

A knock on my window made me jump and nearly piss myself. I glared at Liam who smiled cheekily at me through the window. I rolled my eyes and put the window down. "Hey love, you alright?" 

"Yeah yeah, just tired. Why the fuck did you scare me like that?"

"Well I would have opened the door but i was afraid you'd punch me in the face." he laughed.

"Good choice" I nodded, taking in the fact that he was dressed in his football jersey. "got a game?"  I guessed. Liam nodded, a childish grin plastered on his face. 

"Yup! First one of the season, tonight at 7" he recited as if he'd been saying it all day and by how excited he seemed I'm sure he had been. "You coming?"

"'Course" I smiled. 

"Great! Everyone else will be there too! I'll see you in a few hours then?" 

I gave Liam a nod and he bid farewell before running off to one of his other friends who was walking through the lot not far off. I let out a little groan and put Harry's car in reverse. I'd probably go to Harry's house to get his mail before the game. For some reason I always found a reason to go to Harry's house. I just liked it there, it reminded me of him and I loved the feeling of it. 

The lights were off just as I left them when I arrived and a small bit of disappointment rose in my stomach even though I knew just my wishing him home wouldn't actually bring him back. After grabbing the mail and jimmying the key into the lock I went inside and dropped it onto  the table beside the door. There was a decent sized pile there now and I was sure Harry would just love looking through that pile when he got home. 

I fished out one of the beers i bought from the fridge and wandered down the hall towards Harry's bedroom. I pulled out one of his old flannels and pulled it over my own shirt replacing my fruity smell with Harry's vanilla and cologne type smell. A small settled on my lips as I fell backwards onto his bed. I pulled my phone out of my front pocket and looked through my messages. None from Harry but two from Nina and one from Lou.  

Nina: Hey chica! Coming to Li's game tonight?! 

Nina: Picking you up at 6:30 be ready weather you like it or not!

Lou(: Quit being anti-social! I better see your arse at Liam's game! much love, lou x.

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