chapter 9

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I was just throwing clothes into my bag now, no time and care put into it because Harry would be joining me on the flight home. I had a doctors appointment tomorrow morning and Matt promised Harry could go to each one as long as they didn't interfere with his matches.

I could hear the door open and close so I assumed Harry had finally made it back from today's training. I was right when I was greeted by rushing feet,bright eyes and a cheerful smile.  "Babe I got it!"

"got what?" I laughed

"What we are going to say when people ask how I reacted to the baby news"

"Uh alright, whatchya got?" I asked, mildly curious. 

"Okay say, Honey, Im pregnant"

"Honey, I'm pregnant.." I repeated. 

Harry's grin got even wider as he spoke up "Hello pregnant, I'm dad" I rolled my eyes as Harry burst into a fit of laughter. "Great right?!"

"That was the cheesiest joke I've ever heard" I responded trying to hide the smile threatening to appear on my lips. 

"It's genius!" he insisted. I chuckled 

"I much rather use the truth, It's was incredibly adorable" I informed him dreamily. 

"fine fine, whatever makes you happy" he pouted jutting out his bottom lip. I giggled and kissed the plush pink before lightly pushing his chest. 

"Go shower, you smell awful"

He put his hand over his hear in mock hurt. "Rude" I chuckled and shooed him off, Harry rolled his eyes and went to the shower while I finished packing my things. It was a strange feeling to think Harry and I would be starting our own little family together in just a few months. I never would have thought the day I met him we would 


Harry and I landed around noon, there was a group of paparazzi waiting outside for some celebrity on our flight but the sight of Harry caught many of them off guard. It was seconds before we were being bombarded with questions. 

"Styles is that a ring?!"

"I thought you were on tour for championships!?"

"Are you engaged?!"

"Is she pregnant?!

"When are you expecting?!"

"I hear she's been partying without you!?"

"Is it true you got arrested harry?!"

"Are you keeping the baby?!"

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