Chapter 2

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"Bro? Hey, I didn't see you around last night. Where you at?"

"Hey." I replied to Toby.

"Only that? I asked a question though." He sighed.

"Don't worry about me. I was out having some fresh air." I put my music journal down on the table. "Ready to discuss work?"

"Have you had coffee?"

"Can you please stop?" I chuckled. "First, you know I won't miss it for the world. Second, if I feel like having one, I'll have it myself. Anything else?"

"Yes." Riley joined in.

"Some court, now?" I looked around in confusion and fast heartbeat.

"Are you seeing someone?" Riley took a seat next to me.

I studied their gesture; stiff, worried, curious. Last thing needed to happen here was revelation. So I tried hard not to give any clue. Danger alert.

"As of dating a girl, you mean?" I laughed loudly. "You think we have time for that? If we did, do I even look like having one?"

"I don't know man. But you're different." Toby seemed concerned.

"How am I?"

"You keep your phone close to you even when there are only three of us. You never get enough sleep lately." Riley cut the tension. "Not that we want to measure your every move-"

"Exactly." I smiled to them. "I completely understand. Thank you for still paying so much attention to me. But for real guys, I was out for a fresher mind. See? I come home with bunch of new stuff. My hands would've been so tight-"

"So you're not dating anyone." Toby grinned.

"Hahaha. I'm still the miserable Connie." I made funny faces.

We all laughed, still awkwardly, but I could live with that. My brothers, they've been around me since the day we were born. Of course it's risky to use my rest time to roam around London. Of course my eyes were hurt right now from lacking of sleep, because I just stayed up all night overhearing Ally's conversation and writing new song at the same time.

Of course; but it's worth the cost.

But I wasn't planning on giving up. If this was needed to keep our relationship alive, so be it. Only two remaining days before first flight heading home, then I'd take care it better from there.

The three of us quickly drown ourselves in discussing about the new material that I wrote. Rest of the day, they left my space untouched. No more questions or glares. I also decided not to make a call too early - at least waited until they're busy on something else.

Playing pretend was never easy.

"You put it at risk again." Her whispery voice welcomed me.

"How could you know?"

"Because you didn't call earlier."

"I'm sorry. They're questioning about last night." I sighed, sat on the grass to the Big Ben in front of me.

"I told you, we can just wait until you reach home."

I shook my head. "No, still two days, I can't bear with the pain."


"Ally, I would take the risk all over again if I had to. No need to worry about me. Now, more importantly, how are you?"

"Today's normal. I had some quiz at school. Nothing much."

"You sound tired." I softly whispered.

"Yeah, uh-"

Suddenly she got cut but I still could hear her heavy breath. I bet Ally put the phone under her pillow. Somebody walked in. I quickly tried to calculate the timezone; supposed to be dawn over there.

"Did I forget to tell you we're going on a family trip with Uncle Joe?" Her mom spoke.

"I got the memo. Be ready in fifteen." Ally replied.

"Then what are you waiting for? Go get shower! Everybody's been downstairs."

"O-okay mom."

I heard the door slammed. She left me hanging for another minute, maybe to secure her space, before she picked up the phone back.

"Hey, sorry about that."

"Going on a trip?" I asked. "Have fun love."

"Fun? How could six-hour trip be fun? I have a ton of homeworks to do, but they insist on having me along with."

"I'll keep you company later when doing homework. No worries, beautiful. Just enjoy today."

"I miss you."

"I miss you more." I shut my eyes to adjust the pain. "Get shower. Don't make her check you twice."

"Fingers crossed."

"Haha. Love you."

"Love you too. Talk to you soon."

We ended the call. I washed the beautiful view, wishing Ally was here. Couldn't stop thinking of how many times we should sacrifice - and a lot - only to make a conversation goes. If I ever told people what we did here, they probably would suggest us to stop trying too hard.

But they didn't understand how it felt to be torn between family, work, and a lover.

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