Chapter 11

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"All packed? You put your meds reachable already?"

Mom was busy spinning my backpack around. She put stuff I didn't even care to list anymore; too many. As dad focused on driving, I tried to embrace Manila one last time.

"What's reachable supposed to mean, mom?" I finally replied.

"Never mind." She handed it back. "The paracetamol and flu packs are in the front pocket."

"Wonderful. Thanks."

As on our way to the airport, we drove across the venue I spent time crying over boyfriend last night. It's still fresh in my mind how he denied my existence. I swear to God he saw me. He did.

"It's okay, you don't have to wait for me. I'll just check in and wait inside." I hugged daddy. "Stay healthy okay? Don't stay up too late."

"Going to miss you, Ally."

"Me too, dad." And I held mom in my arms warm and tight. "I love you."

"I love you too. Hope you enjoy your time in Tokyo. Call us sometimes."

"Absolutely." I blew a kiss. "Until next time!"

They disappeared by the last turn I took toward the check-in counter. There was a long queue. Since I only had one suitcase and a backpack, I chose to just handle it myself.


I was just on my phone peacefully looking at pictures I took along the way; suddenly felt dysfunctional. Instantly this wide room was filled by a giant crowd of girls around my age, holding heart-shaped papers with 'BYE' written on it.

I looked around. Scared but hopeful.

I saw them walking through the same entrance security as I passed before. The fans were chanting by the security line, begging for some more pictures. I saw his dirty blonde hair, his signature flip-flop, his backpack - and our eyes met once again.


He's taken aback, mouthed uncontrollably. I shut my eyes, turned my back on him. I was the last person in my queue, but now James was right behind me, waiting for his turn to check everyone in. The boys were taking pictures with some fans, before Anthony led them further inside to avoid much chaotic situation.

I miscalculated it; thought they took the Doha route, not Tokyo. God, help me.

"This is your ticket, miss. Please take the way to your right and find the immigration line."

"Thank you."

I had to walk pass him, for that's the only way to approach immigration and waiting room. He looked at me, showed his regret. But how could that make any difference now?

"Miss Ally Reyes? What brings you to Tokyo?" The immigration guy interrogated me.

"Volunteer work." I handed him my letters.

"That's amazing." He stamped my passport. "Hope you have a great time."

"You too. Thank you."

I kept walking. Straight forward to a coffee shop to warm my cold heart. Couldn't lie to myself, I casually eyed the immigration line every ten seconds to make sure he's still there. Cried hard at heart; Connor was here and I couldn't even hug him like we've always talked at midnights about.

"Calling for passengers of All Nippon Airways A-320 leaving for Tokyo, please proceed to the aircraft immediately through gate 3."

I grabbed my backpack, still with earphones on, queued closely to other passengers because I could feel his eyes burning my skin. Window seat at the 25th; perfect. Connor should be in the executive class by now. We wouldn't meet for hours ahead.

"...I always love to layover in Tokyo. We haven't done this since Jakarta."

Suddenly I heard Toby's voice from afar. But the chuckle Anthony responded him with, it sounded closer each second. I held my head just theoritically enough to see where they were seated.

Too late.

"Hi." Anthony greeted me in between his smile. "25, right?"

I was statued. Connor sighed from behind him; not because it's heard, but because I was still his girlfriend and I knew him.

"Guys, how do you want to sit?" James yelled from Riley's back, he's the last in line.

"I'll take the middle." Connor threw his backpack onto the seat next to me.

"Dude, that's not nice." Toby saw it. "Apologize for my brother."

I was on my worst shape. This tears couldn't help but falling. I nodded at Toby for his kind caring, but looked away immediately before Connor could catch a hint.

"Con, you sure? The aisle seat is someone else's." James assured from the 26th row.

"Even better." He whispered to my ears only. "Yeah James, good night."

This window was my witness, of how much tears has been rolling down my left cheeks. Up until before we took off, the aisle seat hasn't been taken. I bet somebody's cancelled the flight. So we're here; only me and Connor, sat next to each other on a plane to Tokyo.

"Babe, I didn't expect to meet you last night-"


"They're sleeping, it's okay."

Connor positioned his left foot a little higher, so Toby and Riley wouldn't see him trying to hold my hand.

"You care so much about other people but couldn't even make up a reason to walk toward me last night?!" I breathed in and out hardly in full of anger, whispery voice.

"I wasn't ready last night..."

"Great! If we weren't meeting today, then how would you process it? You'll just get over it? Get over the fact that your girlfriend was staying under the rain for two freaking hours at midnight on an empty arena just to see you?"

The deafening sound of plane's takeoff position hid my sob and groan. Connor tightened his grip though I tried hard to let go. His face was up straight.

"Am I still your girlfriend?" I took a deep breath. "Oh I knew it. Get your hand off of me."


"Please let me go."

"Hun, I don't want to hurt you."

"Oh you just unexpectedly did." I looked at him in the eye, risking of getting busted by any of the crew.

I slammed my back, spent fifteen minutes straight to cry. I cried for stupid reasons I made to leave Ivana fly solo two weeks ago. I regret coming to the show last night. If he wanted to end us, let him.

"Just to get the foggy fact clear, love, that I haven't been thinking clearly for the past weeks. For I tried to stack lie after lie to Ivana, my family, my school dean, only to see you last night. I wanted to surprise you. It's not only you fighting here, honey. But if that's not even enough, I'm okay with it."

Connor shook his head bold and strong, still held my right hand, but couldn't process to reply me with anything.

"My bad. I was too busy chasing you, didn't realize we've been walking separate ways."

I took a pack of tissue and started calming down. I even let the flight attendant know that I would be more than content to be transferred to any vacant seats, though almost unseemly to happen.

If there was a word created to explain a painful pain, it would fit me.

"I still love you baby..."

That's the last word Connor whispered to my right ear, as he kissed me on the cheek. I fell asleep because tired of crying. My eyes hurt.

It's still hours away from Tokyo. I was still upset at Connor. But forsake our intertwined fingers, I still prayed to God for my heart to be healed.

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