Chapter 19

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The auction was executed well. The organizer we were working with was giving their best game. High amount of money was collected, all went to the hospital's bank account. I let out a good sigh; it's time to go home.

Home to Manila.

I've learned a lot from my time here in Japan. That freedom was a cool thing, until the reason of freedom you have been dreaming of was taken away from you. That in my case, it was Connor. He has been my only imagination; a life full of free time to chat and talk whenever I could without parents' interruption. But how's it for a sad start, when you happen to break up with the reason right on your way to freedom?

I didn't know what else could ignite the spirit inside. Manila wasn't so much fancy anymore, except the fact that I did miss my parents. But I wasn't ready to live the old life again.

Addition to that, now I had Connor waiting for me for another heavy talk.

"The show was amazing." He gave a hug without a warning.

"Thank you." I took my inch back.


"Stop doing that." I shook my head.

"I want to congratulate you."

"And I just want to survive life without 'it', shall I?"

My tears were about to fall down. He was so determined and I hope he stayed that way. But part of me wanted to stay away because just being around him is like a magnet, I always get pulled and never can let that go.

"Have you just... Just ever think of being together again, with me?" Connor stuttered.

I washed the view below our feet with my eyes. "How's that even a question?"

"Because you seem fine."

"Seem fine." I marked the important word. "But I don't think we can do this anymore, Con."


"Your contract." I met the blue eyes of his and locked mine. "Let's not do something dangerous here. Maybe we aren't meant to be together. Maybe God just wanted to show us a fairytale, a beautiful one."

"Ally, please-"

"But going after its name, ours was just a fairytale."

My lungs almost couldn't take the amount of sadness. Shoulders were too heavy. I barely could take a single deep breath. But Connor and I needed to be slapped in the face; that some things aren't meant to be fixed.

"What if I say I don't care about it?"

"You wanna throw your career for me? Very unlikely." I shook my head.

"My brothers can help me talk with the management-"

"That what, you're dating a fan from the Phillippines? They could've kicked you guys out if the girl was somewhere in LA; let alone-"

"Please, please... Be on my side, Al. I love you. There's always a reason for musician to find his inspiration. To me, it's you. If they ever fought back about you, then they better not expect me to produce anything good."

"Stop simplify things..."

"Because it is that simple." He held my hand and intertwined it. "Babe, I miss you."

"But I need to come home to Manila tomorrow." I whispered, right before he landed a kiss on my lips again. "Tara will substitute me to wrap everything up with Jed. I've been too long in Japan."

"I have just one show in Taiwan and I'll catch up with you in two days." Connor now held my cheeks with his both warm hands. "And this time, you're not gonna be standing in the pouring rain."

I couldn't answer to that last promise, because last time, it was broken. Connor learned that, and he didn't force me to answer to his every word. I then decided to end the talk, let Connor join his brothers to pack the tools up, while I was meeting Jed for auction's evaluation. But with us going separatedly, I could still feel his eyes burning my skin.

"Thanks for a great night, guys!" James came up to congratulate us. "I heard you earn a lot."

"Enough to keep the program going." Jed shook James' hands. "Thank you for coming, though we didn't see that."

"Glad to be the surprise." James replied. "Wish we could talk longer but we have plane to catch."

"We understand." I cut it quick, and got a glance from Connor. "Have a safe trip to Taiwan."

James looked at me, confused, wondering how I knew about Taiwan. But he didn't question that. We all said goodbye to the team, as their bus was waiting outside.

"Safe flight tomorrow love, I'll meet you in a couple days." Connor whispered to my ear.

I just lazily nodded, but hugged him anyway. He pulled me deeper, just like that night at the corner of my block when we kissed for the first time. It felt familiar, and it felt good.

"Safe flight you too." I replied short.

"Bye, plane girl." Riley came up and gave a side-hug.

"See you in a minute." Toby winked at me.

Jed, exactly like James, was still trying to process the current fact how personal this all to his eyes. But I wasn't here to answer the interview. We quickly wrapped up the evaluation - with good remarks - and drove home.

"Do you want me to type the report?" Jed threw the car key to the dining table in our apartment.

"Please?" I giggled. "But if you don't mind-"

"Well, since you made me happy tonight, I'll do it."

"Make you happy how?"

"I don't know. Somebody's been close to the auction band and trying not to react too much." Jed laughed around the house.

"Best friend." I underlined the word.

"Done. Connor the best friend. Okay cool." He sarcastically replied, just because I think he saw something from today.

"It's not just Connor-"

"Cool." Jed nodded again but twice as meaningful as before.

"Gosh I'm tired and haven't packed up yet." I walked to my room. "Night, Jeddie."

"Good night, Al."

I locked the door. Heart's beating fast. Something about Manila in two days was interesting for me, and made me trying to find an amazing outfit to wear.  Though I wasn't sure if I have completely forgiven Connor, but I did miss him.

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