Chapter 5

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"Ally, dinner!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I replied.

I put my novel down, gulped the remaining water on my bottle, and reached the kitchen. Mom has prepared sushi for tonight.

"Dad will not be joining." She sighed. "Bad traffic."

"Ah. Is he still far? We can wait."

"No, he called, told he decides to pull over at a restaurant. It's only us tonight." Mom took a plate. "Want the tofu salad?"

"Please." I nodded.

The dinner time was a little empty without dad. Perks of being the only child. But Mom and I shared some lame yet still funny jokes. Until one question slapped like a thunder.

"The Before You Exit band, Ally, I remember you like them so much."

"What about that?" I chewed the arugula but unseemly could swallow afterward.

"Nothing. Just saw their music video on TV earlier when cooking."

"Aren't they good?" I smiled meaningfully.

"Yes, the blonde one I noticed-"


"Hmm?" Mom didn't get me because I cut her in too instantly.

"Connor. His name is Connor. You like him?"

"Frankly, I love his voice out of them three. Well, don't put your finger on me. Just a personal preference though."

"That's okay mom, 'coz I second you."

"You're..." Mom studied my reaction, that's how I realized I should take it down a notch. "...blushing."

"Yeah? Maybe from the prawns." I giggled.

I apologized to myself for being too giggly during dinner, but like other fangirls out there, I could also be too excited whenever somebody put Before You Exit as the main topic. Especially mom. I remember she almost didn't let me go to their show, though eventually she gave in. I mean, if dad couldn't talk to her that time, I would've never met Connor and secretly shared a kiss by the corner of the block as he drove me home.

"Are they full-time musicians?"

"Oh, the BYE guys?" I drank my water. "It's the career they've chosen, yes. But they're also students. Connor's in college just like me, so is Riley, and Toby's graduating high school this year."

"Can they even do both good?"

"Mom, even Riley was the valedictorian of his high school between those tours and shows they did." I smiled in pride. "All of them are the best."

"Okay then." She raised an eyebrow.

"I know right, they're living life goals."

I took our plates to the washing machine and started the clean-up. Mom was making herself some hot green tea. Dinner turned quite amazing in a second and I liked it.

"But when the day's come and you get to choose whom to share life with, a musician should be the last pick."


I looked at her in the eye devastatedly. I haven't even begun to tell her any pinch of my secret. I was just trying to convince myself that after that light talk, maybe mom should be given the heads-up about Connor. After all, she's my mom. She's the one I should've shared my love story with.

"What? They're touring all the time. They meet pretty faces everyday. That music video I just saw on TV, is about three sexy girls robbing something out. Those girls are the perfect example of their surroundings. And you're not one of them."

"H-how can you even-"

"Ally?" Mom put her whole attention to my watery eyes. "You okay? You hurt?"

Apparently nothing was really slipped through my lips. So I shook my head tried to look content though I had no idea if I even was.

"Mom, what if I date a musician- ...someday?"

"I would strongly disagree. The good person for you should be lawyer or doctor, or a teacher. Someone who knows how to teach your kids well."

Her eyes tailed the cooking show as she shipped the green tea. Mom left me breathless by her side. It was so close - only a minute away from my revelation. I was about to tell her about Connor. I thought it's perfect; because mom just watched the Dangerous music video, and while she still noticed 'the blonde' one - the blonde that was going to be our topic.

But how could I talk her through it? Connor is the musician.

"Don't you have homework?" She slightly eyed me.

"Sure yeah. I'll be upstairs okay?"

"Have a good time."

I slowly approached my room. My both feet couldn't hold my weight. I hid my cry against the fluffy pillow, and stayed still up to midnight. Tonight was supposed to be our time again, yet I almost didn't know how to survive the runny nose and massive headache.

"Orlando is so much fun!"

"Yeah? Good to be home, huh?"

"Absolutely! But hun, wait until you hear the news."

"What is it?"

Connor left me hanging. The silence tone hit us. I actually had not too much remaining power to sound lovely, but Connor's excitement just got me balanced.

"We're...moving to California!"

"Wow! As of being permanent residents?"

"Yes yes! What do you think?"

"That's awesome babe. I'm excited for you! Living in LA should be fun and less exhausting, since you don't have to fly back and forth anymore for writing."

"Exactly! I thought RCA wouldn't like the decision. Turns out it's a perfect plan for them as well! We can arrange more stuff, and even bigger plan to visit Asia again!"

His voice cut my heart; wildly bleeding. If he only knew how hard I've been crying... But no. I wasn't giving up. Connor was also struggling with his family and the band's contract.

"I can't wait until the day you pay LA a visit! It's gonna be one straight flight!" He cheered excitedly.

"Save the date, shall we?" I giggled.

"I'll have my whole time for you."

"You sure?" I smirked and shook my head, knowing it wouldn't happen.

"By the time you come, I should already brief everybody about you and they must agree."

"Strong decision right there."

"We'll get through this baby."

I gave myself a strong, convincing nod. He's that determined, so should I be. We ended the phone call a little earlier before dawn, because Connor had a meeting for Orlando upcoming show.

But a promise has been made; I'd keep fighting until a phone call didn't sound cute no more.

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