Chapter 12

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"Hey," Somebody shook my hand. "Uhm, hey, she asks if you want some more apple juice."

I opened my eyes. "Riley!" And literally jumped back.

"Oh you know my name." He laughed.

"Excuse me, would you like to have apple juice? I see you haven't had anything for the past hour."

One of flight attendants kneeled, spoke nicely from Riley's side, as Riley sat on the aisle vacant seat. I managed to look around. Connor wasn't here.

"He's in the bathroom." Riley replied without me asking.

"Sure." I nodded, wonder if he knew anything. "Hot tea, please."

"Will be back in a bit." The lady smiled. "And what about some steak and mashed potatoes? You haven't had dinner too, miss Reyes."

"Do you have-" Suddenly my stomach flipped down. "Never mind. Hot tea will do. I'll let you know if I need anything."

"You have to eat something." Connor involved in the talk as he walked out of the lavatory.

"Hot tea, and thank you." I replied to the lady instead.

"Hey bro, mind if I sit here?" Riley put the earphones on. "Don't worry, I won't overhear anything."

"What about your own seat-" Connor soon found Toby taking over the whole row. "Okay have your time."

Riley's drowned on his phone. I didn't much check where Connor was, but he disappeared again. I studied Riley's calm gesture. If only he knew I was the one Connor spent his time talking to.

"Whoa, sorry, didn't mean to abandon you." He turned the phone off. "I'm Riley, though I'm you know my name. And you are?"

"Ally." I hesitated, but shook his hand anyway.

"So, what's in Tokyo?" This middle one easily could start a light conversation.

"Some school's volunteer program I'm assigned for."

"Wow. Tell me more about that."

"Our projects are about the less fortunate kids, but this time on cancer survivors. I'll be serving at local Tokyo cancer treatment hospital alongwith some friends."

"And your friends..." He studied my tight expression. "Oh I'm sorry I've asked too much."

"No, it's okay. She flew solo two weeks ago. And the rest will be joining next week."

"Seems a lot of fun." Riley exclaimed. "I hope we can do more of that with the band."

"All you have to do is planning, isn't it?"

He smiled curiously. Bet I just showed my card. I talked like mastered band life more than him. It's just brand new to me; each second I spent with so-called brother. I didn't know anymore the best way to process this. A lot has happened and I was mentally exhausted.

"Does Connor give you a pain?" Riley smirked. "Hey he can be handful when he's tired."

"Should I know what that means?"

"Hahaha. No, well, Toby and I thought he either was giving you too tiny space to breathe. He's been sitting too closely."

"Looked like so, but no, I was sleeping the entire time."

He and I shared a simple smile. I eyed the screen on my seat. Tokyo was still two hours away. Half of population of this plane was dead asleep. It's midnight. Oh now I hate the word 'midnight'.

"Are you a fan? We had a show in Manila, did you come yesterday?"

"Hmm?" I held breath for Riley's question. "Yeah I did."

"Oh! Hi again, then! Seriously, I'm bad at remembering people's faces. So glad to meet you here again."

"Sure, that's understandable." I chuckled.

"You're unlike them."

"How's that?"

"You saw it at the airport?" He threw his head back laughing. "They're lovely kind of fans. But then there's you. You didn't even move for an inch when you saw us walking your way."

"I'm more on the stiff side?" I threw a joke.

"Understandable." Riley referred the word back to me.

"Glad it is."

Connor, I knew he's standing there watching me having good talk with Riley. And I understood how it's all messed up complicatedly for him, too. The secret girlfriend talked to his very own brother.

"Some good time, huh?" He at last approached.

"Yeah. She's fun to talk to." Riley put his phone back in pocket. "Right Al, I'm gonna first shake Toby up because he hasn't had dinner."

"How can?" Connor replied.

"Between tummy and ton-weighed eyes, you know." Riley chuckled at me. I replied with a single nod.

Two of them were switching places. I wish I didn't see that, but Riley sent a cold glare toward Connor; in a way telling him that I should not better be his catch. And sadly, I've known more than Riley could anticipate. I knew about the contract they're having with RCA. There should be no girlfriends until further notice, as how Connor explained me.

How's that for a sad story?

"Dude-" Connor groaned but Riley glared bolder.

I cleared my throat and whispered. "Maybe that's the clue."

"Don't do this to me." Connor talked to me instead.

"No, don't do this to me." I whispered. "This is tragic to me but, if there's nothing else to fight about, then let's not pretend."

Connor was shut. He nervously cleared his throat, watched the static GPS screen in front of him. I just got my hot tea about two minutes ago but suddenly it felt cold in my hands already. Nobody was more devastated than me, to have my relationship ended on a plane to Tokyo. But I almost couldn't see the difference; we're hanging by a deadly cliff.

Two hours has passed. It's dawn in Tokyo when we're landed. Trapped on the window seat, I couldn't immediately get myself on the feet and ran away. The crew had too many equipments on the compartment, that it took them a while to manage. I ended up walking toward the main building alongside him.

"Will I ever see you again?" He murmured.

"If that's gonna hurt, we'd rather pass." I smiled bitterly. "Goodbye, Connor."


Riley and the rest of crew caught Connor's loud voice when he called my name. But I had strong gut; I should keep moving. Decided to blend myself in the crowd, I made him lose his sight of me. I hid in the ladies bathroom for ten minutes before proceeded to the baggage claim area.

I saw him. Connor looked around confusedly. He had to approach the transit room. This was the only chance left of us to see each other. So I stood out of the crowd. Our eyes met once again. Still with so much love. Still with so much hopes.

Thank you, I mouthed.

Connor shook his head, boldly disagreed. But who we are to complain the universe when it says our time is over?

The ex-lover made his steps further the room. His back turned on me. I never took my eyes off from him. The way he held his backpack, I would remember that.

He's gone now. So was our love story.

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