Chapter 20

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"My girl is back!" Ivana attacked me with the biggest hug at the airport, no matter how many people glared on us for being too noisy.

"How's life without a project?" I smirked at her.

"Plain." She sighed. "I heard the auction went off!"

"Thanks to Jed and the team. They really managed it all."

Ivana took me to her car and drove us downtown. I couldn't stop looking around and reminisce places I used to go in the city. Manila vibes. Home.

We had lunch at local McDonald's because I craved for cheeseburgers so much. I let mom and dad know that I have arrived safely, already with Ivana, but not gonna be home before submitting my report to the school dean.

"Hey, so I also heard that the acoustic band was playing lovely." She noted the word 'lovely'.

"Stop." I shook my head.

"You talked to him?"

"He promised to come." I groaned softly. "But I don't know what to trust anymore. Last time I did, it went all over the place-"

"But maybe second chance sounds relieving." She held my hand. "Girl, whatever you heart says, it's what's important. Forgive the past and move on."

"And what could the moving on phase bring me? Another sadness, knowing he'll be out of sight after one night? Van, I'm scared... We're wasting our time."

"Wait until you heard what dean says."

"About the LA thing? Jed's been excited." I frowned. "But I'm not."

"Look at the bright side! You can do whatever you want in LA, get to do your dream job, and work on the project on weekends. Al, if I were you, I'd sign the contract in one blink."

I was stuck in silence. I didn't know what's so wrong about LA plan, with the fact that I would be fully covered by school. I would also be able to live the life I've been wanted, be individually free, be independently happy. That would also sound great to have a boyfriend who's happen to be a famous band member. So Ivana's right; nothing's wrong about the future plan. Nothing's scary about moving on. Maybe it's me and my memory of cold Japan life - that I thought would be happy.

Hey, I maybe was going to the right direction.

"I just can't think of that day if we someday happen to break up again." I murmured to Ivana after a long self-battle.

"Kidding? Are you kidding me? How on earth can you imagine a break up? God, she needs help." Ivana rolled her eyes.

"Hey I'm being serious!" I kicked her feet playfully. "How can I survive LA if something's going on?"

Ivana just laughed uncontrollably. I don't know. To me, it's worth to think, for the last time it really did happen.

We finished eating in two hours, and now Ivana was driving me to school. Dean has expected to meet me first time when we landed. It's just a little lucky thing that he didn't acknowledge my arrival time, so Ivana and I anticipated the time for a best friend talk before back to business.

"My love, Ally!"

He exclaimed happily as I walked across the indoor sport hall. Didn't expect to meet him here, but I guess there was a student meeting currently held.

"Sir," I nodded. "Oh wow."

I literally gasped. There were all my friends - correction, there were all people from the entire school gathered for a... project celebration? I gasped twice in a minute. Dean applaud me, followed by the loud cheers from everybody. They put our pictures - Ivana, Jed, Tara, and myself - in the banner and up on the giant screen.

"How unnecessary..." I grinded my teeth to Ivana to still look fine and smiling.

"That's big indeed." Ivana sighed back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're expecting Jed and Tara to be here next week, but please do welcome the former project leader, Ivana, and the current executor, Ally Reyes!"

Dean's echoed voice made everybody cheer again. It's almost deafening. It's so bright in here that I couldn't catch the words on the poster, until recently I learned, that they were celebrating the completion of the both projects we have handled in Japan.

"It's a total success! I have never imagined to pull off a big humanitarian project with Japan. And now we're ready to join Los Angeles!!!"

The flashlights hit our face almost in an offensive way. I lost my sight. The second I gained back, I tried to catch the changing word on the giant screen.

And my heart just dropped to the floor. Ivana held my hands because she knew I was just as shocked. What did Before You Exit's poster do on my dean's giant screen?!

"Introducing a collaboration with Before You Exit!" Dean explained excitedly. "We will sign a contract with Before You Exit for their regular humanitarian fund raising!"

"What the heck..."

But I couldn't continue whatever I had in my mind. I was on stage, with Ivana and the dean himself, therefore needed to stay calm. Connor's blue eyes on the screen were almost attacking me. I had no idea whether he's figured out or not about the new program. So it's what LA transfer was all about.

Long story short, I survived the celebration thing. Some friends threw questions at both Ivana and me, they wanted to know how we handled language and culture barriers with the locals. Now we're in the dean's office. He, still in a high excitement, prepared the LA contract beautifully for me to sign.

"School will get highest mark of social responsibility this year, thanks to you, Ally." He smiled.

"And Ivana." I corrected. "I just continued where she left off."

"That's what's amazing about you! I know you won't left us off. Here are points to sign."

He gave me the contract full of 'sign here' notes. My hand couldn't stand still. The second I sign the contract, I would officially move out to LA for a year with very possible extention term. I haven't even met my parents yet. Why so crazy.

"Take your time! I will be back in fifteen." He left me in his room.

I was drowned in my life before it all started to be this complicated. My stupid bathroom reaction when I sneaked the phone in only to talk to Connor. How I chose BYE show over marshmellow night with the kids only to see Connor walk away in the pouring rain. My journey and stay in Japan. My sleepless nights. Emails from Connor. His presence at the auction. This contract.

But anyway, I signed it.

I chose to sign it for a better future, if not for my relationship with Connor. No matter how hard I denied his presence, it's still good to see him again. From the way he convinced me two nights ago... I believed in him. Once again, I wanted to try it out with him, even though no one else in this world knew about us except Ivana. Though I was kept in the dark, be it.

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