Chapter 9

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I stared at the bright computer screen, could barely breathe. She did right for trying, but disappointed would be an understatement for what I felt. She sure knew how big the risk I was taking by listing Manila back on our trip plan, because we just visited it couple months ago. Even for a local radio's music fest, I'd sign the contract in a matter of second; anything to meet her.

But then there's Japan. It's not entirely Ally's fault, for she had previously briefed me about the program. I was indeed the one suggesting her to take a part of it. And she listened. Little did I realized that the program itself brought us to the edge of a cliff.

"Hun," I made a call as stood by the big window in my room. "I've read your email."

"Connor I'm so sorry..."

The space she left, I could only hear her heartbreaking sob from across the line. It's hard for me as well. I knew I couldn't blame her. But the band's tickets weren't purchased to be refund only because I wouldn't be able to secretly meet her.

"That's okay. We'll get through this." I whispered.

"You're lying, aren't you?"

Reality hit me. That sounded almost true.

"There's always next time. I can visit Japan someday. You know we're here talking about it a lot."

Ally didn't really answer to every comforting word I said. She kept sobbing in silence, knowing I disliked it. There's nothing else I could do. We're trapped with no way out. And Ally, she's a smart girl. She can smell it if anything goes wrong - as she just did.

"Connor? What you're doing? It's almost lunch time, and you don't even have breakfast yet!" Riley knocked on my door.

Ally heard that. She cleared her throat, tried to sound okay. We ended the call quickly and plainly. I walked downstairs to meet the family, as they have gathered around the dining table.

"Sorry, I just woke up. Last night's writing was insane." I briefed them with a reason they didn't even ask.

"I know what you did last night." Toby chewed a marshmellow.

I felt like stabbed in the chest. "What?"

"Writing, right?" He giggled.

My brother almost gave me a heart attack. As our rooms were next to each other, I thought he overheard something. That wouldn't be good.

"How's the Asian trip prep going?" Dad asked.

"Doing good. James will have a phone call with the Manila agency again to confirm tickets." Riley replied while eyed me. "We just realized Connor's been into Manila."

"Boldly into it." Toby raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you all?" I stepped up my lying game. "We have a huge crowd over there. Not wasting my time to go only once a year. They always have good offer to us we can't resist."

"Yeah..." Riley tilted his head. "Can't disagree with that."

"Told you." I chewed my beef though I think I couldn't swallow.

"Riley and I have been talking about that, man." Toby put his hand on my shoulder. "Because you love Manila as if it's a girl."

Toby made everybody laugh. He forced a high-five with me, to reckon his victory. I was usually okay with the way we made fun of each other. Except this time, I had to keep breathing in and out to avoid sudden heart attack.

"You got me." I nodded. "If Manila was a girl, I'd date her for her amazing life."

"Should we anticipate a Filipina girl, baby?" Mom walked into the brothers game.

"Hahaha... I don't mind." Dad executed it.

I just threw my head back laughing nervously. Maybe they should anticipate Ally - as I have planned, or maybe they should wait a little longer because we both needed to talk through everything first.

The lunch time was full of smirks and teases. Riley kept incidentally asking me if I was dating someone, as he said judging from my behavior. And there's Toby enjoy making jokes about anything. Though it's funny and uplifting, I was so glad it's over. Back to my cave now.

First thing I grabbed when I walked into my room was the phone. I received a text from Reyes; Ally's last name. Supposed to keep the popping name masculine, so anybody wouldn't be suspicious.

From: Reyes
Can't help myself but texting you. Enjoy today, hun.

I was dating an angel. She insisted to keep trying, to at least build a happy chat with me again. I felt bad for her beautiful heart. Because I knew I could end our last call a little more romantic, but I chose not.

To: Reyes
You too, sweety.

I hoped that was enough. I wanted to do more, unfortunately my heart hasn't fully healed.

Curtain's closed. Phone's on flight mode. Door's locked. World's out. Let's take a rest from this demanding reality. Because I felt almost too tired to keep up with it.

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