Chapter 3

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"Are you staying up late?" Mom checked my eyebags. "That's something."

"Didn't you remember I told you about homework and quizzes I have this week alone?" I rolled my eyes unintendedly.

"Ally!" Dad scolded.

"Sorry." I quickly bowed.

Sigh. We never changed; no, they never changed. No matter now many times I've tried to tell them not to scold me in front of people, parents will be parents - they would do it anyway. Uncle Joe glanced and smiled bitterly at me. I didn't know whether or not I should be thankful for his kind of understanding, because sadly it didn't help with anything.

"How's school, girl?" Uncle approached me while we're in the van.

"Kind of tough lately. It's almost exam." I smiled.

"Well, I've told your mom not to, but she-"

"It's okay. She always does."

We both giggled miserably. Uncle Joe has been the one I shared my problems with, since he's also the only person here realized I was a grown-up. I didn't see him often. But he always back me up for my tight hands.

"See? She's busy with her phone. I told you, technology is a ruiner." Mom suddenly declared a speech.

"What?" I tilted. "Me?"

"Do we look like have any teenagers here?" She sounded salty.

I breathed heavily. The only thing I did was responding to Connor's text. Now I was scared. These people were likely wanting to throw my phone out of the car.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I was also on my phone for work." Uncle Joe saved my life again, by showing everybody the phone in his hand. "Shall we keep it away now, yeah Ally?"

"Of course." I quickly put it back into my pocket.

"We're on a trip." Mom glared.

"I believe we are." I deepened my tone.

We were leaving Manila. Actually it's a beautiful day. Sun's brightly shining, and it's not even seven yet. We're visiting grandparents. It's Uncle Joe's idea to spend Wednesday back home, because he and my dad both were having a day off. I was all excited for the plan. Thought my parents would leave me alone and let me spend my time 'studying', or in this case, chatting with Connor. But such an unfortunate that I was trapped.

"Hello! Come on in!"

I heard grandma's raspy voice from afar. Ah, we've arrived. My mom already jumped into her parents' hug. I followed them.

"Ally! Ah, sweetheart, you're growing tall!" Grandpa hugged me tightly.

"Aren't we all?" I chuckled. "How are you, deda?"

"I'm well! We both are. Come inside, beautiful. I've made you strawberry smoothie-"

"Strawberry smoothie bowl like we made before!?" I excitedly danced. "Yay, let's go!"

I could feel the warmth in this house, like always did. We shared every joke. Such an exciting fact that I was treated much better in here than I ever was back home.

From: Connor
Enjoy today, hun.

A beep on my phone double-sized my smile. Uncle Joe noticed me peeking on it, and when our eyes met, he winked. Glad my ancient parents didn't notice.

"So, pretty girl, tell me about school." Grandma made me her signature braid.

"School? Still packed with weird people." I chuckled.

"School is a place for smart people, honey." Dad cut my joke with a serious tone.

"Of course I'm joking. We're enjoying time, aren't we?" I started to raise my voice as well, but still nicely. "I'm joining a volunteer program, mima."

"Interesting." Uncle Joe nodded. "Tell us more about it."

I glanced at daddy. He's drowned in his thought because I knew, I didn't tell them about the program yet. And the least thing they preferred was to be kept away from stuff I was doing in life.

"It's a program for less fortunate kids. School has planned it for a while, and I've heard a thing or two about it. So when the student council opened up a registration for volunteers, I sign myself in."

"That's nobel." Grandpa pinched my cheek softly. "I'm proud of you."

"Does it interrupt your class schedule?" Mom joined in.

"Ate, it's okay. She needs to explore herself. Volunteer group is good." Uncle Joe answered it for me.

"But does it require you to sacrifice school?" Mom didn't listen to her brother.

"If a day or two is needed to make a different in those kids' lives, I'm taking the risk." I said with confidence.

Again, today has been all about mom and dad's glares. I was almost used to it. There wasn't a question about whether or not I was excited about my choices; the only thing they cared was school as if I wouldn't finish it.

My grandparents started to tell story about how determined mom was with her school. She was the star in her class, which I was always so proud of. So was daddy, back in the day. But grandpa also put a note on them, that freedom is also important for me. My parents were so much into education, that they forgot I wasn't a machine.

This situation got me thinking; if mom and dad were having hard time accepting a brilliant volunteer program, let alone accepting the fact I was now in a relationship with Connor.

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