Chapter 17

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"Arigatou, mina-san."

I ended the afternoon class. These kids walked up to me to give their biggest hug. Then the nurses walked them back to each room.

I looked at the window. It's already fall in Japan. My heart's empty. It's been tough to live in Tokyo alone. Ivana resigned herself from the project forsake of her mother's health. I couldn't stop her; would do the exact some thing if I were on her shoes. Jed was on his way here while Tara just took the first flight back home to Manila this morning. With Ivana dropping off the project, these kids were now mine to handle. It's never been more complicated than this.

"Al, just landed safely." Jed called my local number.

"Thank goodness. I'm gonna pick you up. Stay there." I grabbed my car key.

"Hey, I can hop into something. Meet me at the flat instead." He chuckled. "And bring me sushi, a lot of it."

"Okay so you're still the real Jed." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay so you're being delutional." He cracked up laughing. "See ya."

I chuckled at the silent hang-up tone. It's always that empty and I think I finally got used to it. As planned, I drove myself to the nicest aunty and her little sushi house that Ivana brought me for my first lunch in Tokyo to, ordered some take-outs, and stayed inside the warm flat.

"Jed's in the house!" His raspy signature voice filled the room.

"Finally, a human." I came to hug him. "How was the flight?"

"Cool, and cold. I just don't get the point of people using their earphones all the time; when did we stop talking to each other?"

"Not now, mister president." I laughed. "Sushi's in the fridge. Feed yourself before you turn into a zombie."

Jed took his time to change, and sat with me at the dining table. I was indeed waiting for him to arrive so we could have dinner together. He brought along papers from school with these draft of plans we needed to execute next. It's a frightening sight from here; the thicker this document was, the longer time I would still spend in Japan.

"Dean's asking how you are doing." Jed opened up a talk.

"Wow, soothing question." I raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, he meant it. You okay? Need a break?"

"How's that gonna make a difference if I ever took a day off?"

"I don't know... Maybe I'll order Tara to switch places with you?"

"She just got her well-deserved days off." I shook my head. "Talk me through the next plans, please."

He sighed. Jed, he knew something's not right, as if there was ever a right thing about me. But he left the heavy talk, and started briefing me instead. It was all cool and understandable, until...

"...If he finds we do a good job on this last task, the next one will be in LA."

I coughed so hard that my head's almost exploded. "Where?"

"Los Angeles."


"Girl, you okay? Ain't it a good news; the LA plan?"

"You kidding? Does he never want to see me again?" I pouted.

"You're funny. Ally, school will take care of you. It says that you'll be given a month off to rest and prepare for your visa. We'll be leaving together, three of us. Oh I'm so excited!"

While he was imagining the hot summery LA, I walked to sit by the window and enjoyed the fall breeze. Los Angeles sounds twice as scary as Tokyo ever did. Connor was there.

"Jed, I'm super tired. Let's charge life battery, okay?" I tossed the car key to him. "But if you want to roam around, be my guest. Just please lock the front door."

"Oh thanks. You take some rest. I'm gonna just grab myself some coffee."

"Night, Jeddie."

"Night, Ally."

I would probably never be able to explain how wrong this scenario has been to my eyes. Maybe I was just tired of this endless work, but I would never be ready to fly to LA. I've done trying to keep up with Connor's life or the band in general. I've deactivated my fan account. The least thing I'd need is an assignment to the city where he's at.


An email notified my phone. It's probably just Ivana asking how I was doing.

But wait.

Dear Ally,

Hey, how are you? Uhm... I know it's been a very while since our last talk.
I just want to let you know that I'm still thinking of you. Hope I still have time and chance to explain. This time, for real. Promise I will never be stupid again.


My jaw dropped. Why him again. See? I almost believed this sixth sense that I think I had. Swear to God I just wanted to disappear now. Question after question started bubbling up in my head. Why now? Why hitting me up now? What happened this morning over there that urged him to email me?

Hey Connor,

I'm doing good. Thank you for thinking of me. Hope you are well, too.


The best I could reply him with. He didn't need to know how hard I've been crying and how many times I've deleted and retyped the same words only to convince myself that's representable enough.

And... sent.

It's never easy to start talking to the secret ex-boyfriend again, is it? Nice. It's gonna be a long sleepless night again.

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