Chapter 10

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I knew he wouldn't accept it. I knew I should better prepare for the worst.

I knew it because it's been four weeks since our last call. I suddenly couldn't encourage myself enough to start a conversation with my own boyfriend. He seemed so far away at heart. I missed him more than I could explain, but even a clear explanation was not anymore acceptable.

Tragic, how Connor didn't even text to ask whether or not I have safely landed in Japan. He probably didn't care. But I wasn't giving up. Couldn't heal the broken heart from letting the lover down, so I managed to push the obstacles away for him.

Happy three months, Connor.

"Where you going, Al?" Dad checked on me as I tied my converse.

"Treat night." I simply replied.

"What's a treat night?"

I saw him a bag full of candies. "It's a music night at the park full of children and our mission is to deliver these candies, Halloween-style."

"Amazing." He nodded in agreement. "Go take my car. It's windy outside."

"Don't you want to go out with mom?"

"We can use her car." Dad tossed me the key.

"Why didn't you do that from long ago." I smirked. "Later, daddy!"

I put the giant bag on the passengers seat, and started the engine. Manila's a little bit windy tonight, indeed. I raced to the park where the music night was held.

"Jed?" I waved. "Hey, help me with this!"

"Oh!" My school friend and fellow volunteer, Jed, helped carry the half weight of the sweet treat.

"Where are they?"

"About to start the fire over there." He led the way. "Ally? Come, let's go."

"Uh, I..." I checked the ticking watch on my wrist. "Can I go leave you guys for couple of minutes? I have-"

"You mean the Before You Exit concert?"

Jed literally made my jaw drop. He's the one I seldom talked to. But maybe, outside the school, I was acting too obvious over the band's talk, merch, songs, customized phone case, and everything in between. Quite acceptable that he noticed.

"Hahaha. I owe you."

"No you don't." He chuckled. "Go away."

"Don't get sugar high!"

"Can't promise with these fluffy marshmellow!"

I waved from afar at him. Saw Jed with the kids, half of me wished I could stay. Their happy laughter was heard from even miles away. My heart was almost content. But unfortunately there was another flag to take down. And this one wouldn't be as easy.

I heard the drums Chris played to set. I heard Riley's raspy voice from the parking lot. I took the farthest, in case I needed to hide. Lastly, but most importantly, I heard his signature strum on the electric guitar, gave chills all over my body. Three months it's been.

"Go line yourself up! Doors open at six!"

I saw the tour daddy, James, spoke to a bunch of girls right there. Funny how I kept wanting to smile to James as if he knew me - when the fact that this friendship didn't really go round ways.

I blended with the screaming girls. Manila and its spectacle society; always hard to sneak in. But I've given so much only to get to this point. All I wanted was to see his happy reaction.

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