Chapter 7

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Day's almost over. We're in my room as I typed the last phrases for our real homework. She has everything stuffed into her bag, ready to leave.

"Thanks for helping me with that."

"Not a problem. It's not that dramatic though." She mocked my crying moment, obviously, in whispery voice.

"Shut up."

"Hahaha. Such an honor to go to Japan with you."

"Don't do cheesy, Van." I threw a paper ball. "The honor is mine. Can't wait to pack my stuff and fly."

"Oh I really can see that."

We both laughed. Ivana's right. I even already have some of important must-have(s) listed to bring to the sakura spring-vibe country.

"See you tomorrow." She slipped into her shoes and walked downstairs.

"Drive safe, girl."

I locked the front door. Mom and dad were already in their room. It's almost Connor time. I grabbed a cup of hot chocolate to bring into my room, safe and locked, ready to chat with the boyfriend.

"Hey cupcake! Been a while since our last Skype." He waved to the screen.

"You have no idea." I giggled. "How are you, babe?"

"Been doing great. I have meetings all day and radio interviews as well." Connor paused, and smiled so brightly his little camera - to me.

"Okay. I smell some baked cheesecake. Hahaha. What is it?"

"You really want to know?"

"Hmm." I nodded.


"Oh don't start being a pain. It's midnight."

"Okay." He wrote something on the paper.

"Babe, I'm almost turning 75 right here, you're taking so long."

He, and his adorable blushy cheeks, held up a paper for me to read: I'M GOING TO MANILA IN 4 WEEKS.

My whole world started to crumbling down. I instantly burst into tears. I was just celebrating a moment tonight with Ivana and our amazing plans. How would I meet my boyfriend in Manila when I would seemly be settled in Japan already by the time he came?


"Hun, why crying? Do I make you sad? Don't you want me to come? Or you think it's a bad idea to hold a show in there? I've tried so hard to voice out my idea about this Manila show. Small gig, I know, but I've managed to convince them it's worth the ticket-"

"Connor-" I felt like strangled in the neck.

He nervously gulped. Same, I was also running out of breath.

"I...will be in Tokyo by the time you hit Manila."


His voice was too far away, too whispery, too shock. I couldn't blame him. For everything he has tried to make the Manila gig happen, I was forever in debt. Connor sacrificed so much only to see me again, even though he knew I wouldn't be there all the time, because we still remained under the shadow. I didn't know what to wish for; to cancel Japan, or to run away.

As a not-so-worthy catch, I've caused so many troubles in his life already.

"What's in Tokyo?" Connor started talking again, ice-cold.

"A volunteer project."

"Should you really come? Can't you meet me for a while and book the flight after?"

"Babe, school has it all set. I can't make something out of it. You know I don't have enough money to cancel an already booked ticket and pay for another one." I dropped dead crying. "You know I love you..."

"But Manila gig wouldn't happen without you. We didn't put the Philippines on the list until today I brought the topic in." He stared at me in the eye with a ton of disappointment. "I begged them  for you."

I think I wanted to vomit. Saddened by this situation. I wouldn't even know if I could sneak out of my room on a normal day to meet Connor at his show, let alone process this whole contradictory facts.

Japan's suddenly spelled disaster.

"Make something out for me hun, please..."

His voice was so soft and hopeless at the same time. He knew I wouldn't make it. I knew I wouldn't find a way out. Earlier at school Ivana has all set for the trip, we even rediscussed everything in my room before she left. And the worst part; nobody knew about me and Connor, not even Ivana. How could I make something out for a relationship that hypothetically didn't exist?

"Let me think of something. Baby you have to know that I'm going to fight the hardest I can to meet you here."

"Because I've come your way." Connor showed me his flight itenarary.

"I'm a bad girlfriend, ain't I?"

Silence. Connor left the virtual space mentally unattended. Hollow. An affirmative hint was shown in his ocean-blue eyes; that yes, I was the worst girlfriend.

"I still love you. I still have faith in us." He whispered. "Are you?"

"With all my heart, Connor. Don't even an ounce doubt it."

"Then let's meet in four weeks. I'm dying to kiss you. In four weeks, it'll be slightly over our date; our three months together. I want to meet you."

"I'm dying to meet you as well..."

Stuck. We're both torn at heart. I didn't blame Connor for having such a huge devastation over me tonight, because I was also disappointed at myself. I should've listened to mom and dad. I should've said no to Japan.

But greater than that; I was torn in the middle of sacrificing the lover to pursue such freedom I would have in Japan, or to turn my back on the big opportunity to meet the lover who wouldn't even stay longer than three days in Manila.

How's that for a complicated, heartbreaking life plot?

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