Chapter 18

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"Is it okay to put this right here?" Jed asked from behind the giant box he was holding.

"Yes please, thank you."

"Okay. That's so cool. Halloween's never been this awesome." He smirked.

"The kids will love it."

"Bet they are."

We're both nodded, satisfied with the hard work. The last task given by our school Dean was this Halloween party for the kids, as well as auction and fundraising event for various local and international big companies. We're inviting all the big names from across the country to hopefully gain enough for these kids.

"Girl, we need to hurry up. Guests will be arrived in an hour." Jed pulled my arm. "Yet we're still looking like mess."

"Now you realize? We're never looking any better." I chuckled. "You drive, my feet hurt."

Jed rolled his eyes but took the car key I tossed at him. It was not too far from the flat. We quickly got ready. Ivana's supposed to be with us but she's not going to be here until last homecoming preparation. Tonight's only for me and Jed to execute.

I dressed myself in black, a good one from this store at the mall. The chief of project officer needs to always be ready to meet people, huh?

"You ready?" Jed knocked my room.

"One second!" I slipped on my heels. "Done."

He was taken aback as I opened my door. Fair enough; I never really dressed up for even once a year. The best outfit to me is always a pair of jeans and shirt or oversized sweater - never in a glamour style.

"Damn, looking good."

"Such a terrible friend." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Hahaha... Alright let's go." Jed drove the car off.

We arrived at the venue about thirty minutes before the auction started. The kids have been in the room, alongwith the nurses and their Halloween toys. Jed and I came to say hi. They're very happy, even though most of them were surrounded by infusion bottles.

"The band is here." One of the crew members whispered to us.

"A what?" I asked Jed.

"Band, as I heard." He opened the auction's rundown. "We only have acoustic set, but not a band."

"They must've recalled it wrong." I quickly walked to the guy who whispered to us earlier. "Hey, did you say band?"

He nodded. "That's how they look like to me."

"Where are they?"

"Backstage." The guy pointed. "Want me to walk you there?"

"No, no thanks. I can walk myself."

I signaled Jed to wait over here and watched the kids for me. He agreed. So I made my way to the back of the curtain.

And almost died right away.


God knows how I theoritically supposed to pass out - or fake a death. It was overwhelming in a complicated way. There the guy I kept telling myself not to think of anymore, was standing still with his guitar and faced me the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. I was barely breathing. Sad fact. If I ever let myself fall again tonight, I'd fall twice as hard.

Sad fact because I recalled it clearly how bad he hurt my heart before.

"I've missed you..."

"You're not supposed to be here-"

"Why? I'm here for you. Toby and Riley made James put this auction on our Asia tour list."

"How did you-"

"I've done some research." He nodded. "How are you?"

"Holding up." I gave a quick, uncomfortable sigh.

"To officially meet you, this is Riley and this one's Toby." Connor brought the brothers into the conversation to shake hands with me.

"So you're the airplane girl." Riley recalled our random talk on board.

"I can take the name." I nodded; cold.

"And hi I'm Toby, the one sleeping like a baby." This tall man interrupted the awkward sigh with a warm, lovely hug. "Nice to finally put a face on the name."

"Nice meeting you in person as well." I tried to smile but it quickly vanished.

Riley and Toby were very nice, as I have anticipated. They talked professional; about the kids, how I started, all the history peeled off to tonight's auction details. I was trying to put my whole attention to them - also professionally. Tried to play it cool as if last year I wasn't suffering from post concert depression after seeing them live.

"Bro," Connor cut in. "Can I?"

"Oh sure." Riley took a step back. "Nice talking to you, airplane girl. We surely will catch up again, huh?"

"Bet so." I nodded. "Later, guys."

"Peace out!" Toby added and walked out of the room with Riley.

"I need to talk to you..." Connor started it. "For real."

"When was it never real?" I took the hard way of talking, because yes, he made a hole inside my heart already.

"Ally, look. I came all the way here only to meet you. You know we should've not played auction, but we do. My brothers sacrificed our only day off to pack this day, so I can meet you."

"Should I thank you for that?" I looked away. "Apologize for taking your day off. I'll talk to the brothers as well, and warn them not to do it anymore later on."



Yes, I screamed. Right in his face. Right in the face of the guy I loved the most. The one that I still complicatedly cared of. But Connor never blinked. Never took a step back. I wish he did, though.

"I'm sorry for letting you down. I know I'm stupid. I blame you for nothing. It's never been your fault. I was the one encouraging you to take this step. I was just stupid."

"But my boyfriend was never that stupid; he, as far as I concerned, would've never let his girl stay under the pouring rain unnoticed."

"Blame me for that. I was a jerk. But months separated from you, I realized I was never at my best game again..."

"I don't know Connor. I'm not ready."

"It's okay. I will not leave until you're ready for it."

"For what?"

He smiled. Connor put down his guitar and gave me a warm comforting hug and a peck on the corner of my lips.


And left the room immediately. I was frozen. We just what; kissed again?

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