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"Good morning, sweetheart."

Somebody opened my curtain, letting the bright sunshine hit my eyes.



"Not now, I'm still very tired." I groaned and continued to sleep.

"But it's even almost lunch time. You'll be sick if keep skipping breakfast."

"But it's not yet breakfast time in Tokyo..." I tried to reach my watch I'd been wearing for the past months that I haven't even reset the timezone yet.

"You're home." Mom folded my blanket.

"Five more minutes-"

"Somebody's waiting for you outside."

"Tell Ivana I'll be alive in approximately..."

Then I heard my door closed. Mom left before I could finish my word. That got me thinking; who's it she's talking about?

I, half alive, managed to reach bathroom and had a quick shower. I wasn't that sleepy though, only wanted to spend more time in my room and enjoy life before leaving to LA. I even still processed things in my sleep, and that's a lot.

"Mooom?" I walked downstairs. "Mom, where are you?"

I looked around. Nobody's here. Around this time, dad's supposed to be at the office. I didn't remember mom tell me anything about going out. But whatever, now that she woke me up, I was starving.

Suddenly I felt a warm grip around my waist. Followed my the signature perfume scent; his. I wanted to turn around but the grip was so strong yet lovely. It made me froze.

"What a nice home." He whispered softly in my left ear. "And lovely mom. She told me she'll be at the supermarket. And that I can have all time needed to talk to you."

"How can you manage to come here..., Con?"

"The same way you managed to come to my show few months ago." He still talked in deep whispery tone. "I've missed you."

Here comes another self battle. He loosened the grip. If I turned around, that's an easy guess; he would definitely kiss me - which would be lovely but I wasn't sure if now's the time. If I stayed this way, he would keep his hands around my waist, where he could easily feel how fast my heart's been beating - and I didn't want him to find out that I was nervous too.

Knowing I didn't make any move and more likely being stiff, Connor turned me around to face him. There our eyes met. I didn't remember the last time this happened to us. But I didn't want him to stop.

"Can I...?"

He held my cheeks with his both hands, softly stroked my hair, and very slowly moved his lips closer to mind. Too close, I even took a deep breath.

I finally felt his lips. Just naturally, we moved along. I put my hands around his neck as Connor pulled my body closer to him. It's an emotional one. Everything was so uncertain. I didn't want to know what's gonna happen when we called it out. It's been so hurtful that I was scared of falling in love again, or admitting that I was still in love. It's that scary.

"Thank you for kissing me back." He took a deep breath.

"We can't do-"

"Yes we can. Love, you heard your dean. We'll be having projects together. You'll be living in LA with me. I don't care if we only have a small room to share with, as long as I share it with you. I don't care how many tiring shows I need to do, as long as I come home to you."

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