Chapter 16

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"Bro! Guess what?"

Toby already made my world spinning at six in the morning. He meant to shake the bed, but instead almost made me hit my face on the floor.

"I don't want to take a guess." I grabbed my phone. "What day is today?"

"We're going to Japan." He talked fast and wrapped it up with a smirk.

Say what?

I quickly jumped out of my blanket, put the white tee on, brushed my teeth - all of that in less than two minutes - and was now ready for an interrogation.

"Say it out loud." I held Toby's shoulders.

"We're... Oww that hurts! Moooom?" He started complaining.

"Oh don't you dare! They know nothing about Japan." I loosened the grip. "Okay. Now."

"Like I said, we're going to Japan. James just secured us a spot in an international cultural party - whatever, we're going to Japan."

"Cool." I suddenly realized something and cut the happy face right away.

"What's wrong? Shouldn't you be happy for meeting her?"

"Last time was not too well. I don't even know if she's still in Tokyo dude, it's been four months."

"Inbox her something."

"I don't think she'll be happy with the news."

"Well..." Toby slowly made his way out. "Just so you know, that if I were you, I'd try anything. We don't go to Tokyo everyday, so..."

And Toby left me alone. I, at this very morning where the sun hasn't fully shined, was already having a bunch of scenarios in my head. So intense that I forgot to ask Toby when it's due.

I slided myself downstairs - by slide I meant literally swept the handrail down in one take. Mom and dad were in the kitchen, as dad was almost ready to leave.

"What's a hurry?" I hugged him.

"Second consultation and surgery appointment." He replied. "What's so early?"

"The youngest one, who flipped my bed upside down and left the room like an angel after."

Mom chuckled, continued preparing daddy's breakfast box. I joined them for a light conversation. And yes, they have heard about Japan. But both of them wouldn't join the trip this time, as dad would also have to prepare his annual meeting with the fellow doctors.

"Bye, son! See you on dinner." Dad hugged me again.

"Safe drive." Mom talked to daddy.

"I will. Send some kisses to the twins."

Mom and I were standing by the front door for a little while as we enjoyed the morning breeze. It's refreshing.

"What's bothering you, honey?" Mom suddenly shoot a question.

"Hmm? Nothing, nothing at all."

"You don't look excited about Japan, unlike before."

"Hahaha... Maybe because Toby woke me up this early, with the fact he's now snoring again?" I swallowed the nervous choke. "You sure you can't come with us?"

"Can't leave daddy alone..."

"Okay then." I sounded disappointed. "Hey mom, I'll be upstairs if you need me, alright? Gotta email something to the crew. Let me know if you're ready for shopping."

"Not until afternoon, baby. Go have some rest." She kissed my cheek and I returned one.

I ran back to my cave and locked the world out. It's not the crew. It's her. But would she reply? It's been four months since our last talk - and onboard meeting. And my bad; I haven't said anything again since.

Hey Alice,

It's me Connor. How are you? :)
Apologize for the sudden hello. Just realized it's been a while since last chat. Hope everything's well over there.
So... Hey, I wonder, are you still in Tokyo?


Sent. With a ton of doubts; I sent it. The email went straight to my sent items folder. I couldn't help but staring at this bright screen, hoping for a miracle and the sound of the pop-up notifications.

But too dying to wait; so I fell asleep.

"Rise and shine, maaaan!" Toby's voice again, twice today.

"If you're trying to kill me then just do it." I groaned.

"I realized something. Bro, you haven't asked me when we will leave for Tokyo!"

"Bro, that's because you've just innocently passed out!"

"Hahahaha... Within next week."

Oh you should see my reaction. Eyes almost popped out. Next week? Why so fast? James has never done that before. The shortest preparation for international flight for us is usually three weeks. Japan is not next to LA.

"James is out of his mind." I shook my head.

"No, actually. Everything's been prepped. We only have to do rehearsal. Which is now. Today. So get a proper shower and meet me and Riley downstairs."

"I can't. Mom needs me for shopping."

"Riley is with her as we speaking." He rolled her eyes. "Anything else, Connie?"

"No." I pouted. "Get out, I'm gonna shower."

"Oh jeez."

Toby walked out of my room, leaving the door opened. I made my bed, showered, put the black tee on - and did a quick check on the email; still nothing.

"Riley will be home in twenty." Toby chewed some caramel popcorn and watched Netflix.

"She didn't reply..."

"That's because you don't wait longer."

"How do you know she will reply?"

"I'm that good." Toby smirked. "Connor, one question: If you have the chance to meet her again, will you use it wisely?"

"Why are you asking that? Because last time I screwed it up?"

"Sort of, yeah."

I looked at the distance. "I'd do anything to explain it to her and beg her back."

"Good. Because Riley and I need to know that you're into this 100%. We didn't ask James to contact Japan for no reason."

"Wait. Dude, does James know?"

"Eventually." He nodded. "You worry about it later. For now, we both want you to focus on doing the job well; professionally and 'professionally'."

I sighed, curled myself on this huge couch. Toby and Riley were trying to help us. Now is my time to pay the kindness.

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