Chapter 2

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"I can't believe it" said Sunset Shimmer. The girl who used to be rude and evil but was forgiven for her mistakes, was trusted now, and there was no other Equestria Girl but Sunset Shimmer to save the day. She helped the Rainbooms defeat the Dazzlings when they grew weaker.

But enough about the history of Sunset. She just found out that new Wondercolt girls were coming to CHS. She went to the band room to tell her friends the great news.

The band room was where the girls practiced their songs and music, and they always ponied up every time, which made their performances, "magical".

As the girls were talking, they were then interrupted by Sunset's excitement.

"New girls are coming to CHS today!!!!" said Sunset Shimmer.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down there Pinkie number 2", said Rainbow Dash, the band's awesome guitarist.

"Eeeeh, Pinkie number 2, that's hilarious, we could be sisters" laughed Pinkie Pie. The crazy and fun drummer of the band.

"New girls, how exciting, do you know them?" asked Fluttershy. The shy tambourine master. "I don't  know them, but I'm excited to know them" answered Sunset Shimmer. "These girls could be our new friends, and we could teach them about our magic of friendship, and who knows, they could probably be apart of our band".

"Ok, you're going too far there. It's nice making new friends and all, but I don't think they could be part of our band, I mean, I don't need another girl who rocks the guitar like I do, because that would be a problem" said Rainbow Dash.

The girls rolled their eyes, they know it would be too much girls in the band, but really, a new guitarist? Sunset Shimmer is an awesome guitarist as well, but they think that Rainbow Dash just cares about her awesome skills.

Well, uh, ok, I guess, didn't mean to go too overboard, it's just nice making new friends, since us Wondercolts are friends with each other here at CHS" said Sunset.

"It's ok Sunset, Rainbow is just being too full of herself, agin", said Applejack, the hard-working master of the bass.

Rainbow rolled her eyes at Applejack's comment.

"Yes darling, being good friends with the new girls is a big opportunity, but a big band is too much to offer, I mean, there's 7 of us in the band, and plus, we pony up, and it would be pretty unstylish leaving the girls, with no magic" said Rarity. The fabulous keytarist of the group.

"Yeah, that would be pretty weird, including for Twilight, who's still in Equestria right now", said Pinkie Pie sadly.

Now all the girls were upset, now that Twilight had to go back to Equestria.

But their sadness was interrupted by the intercom speaker.

"Sunset Shimmer, we need you at the front doors please", voiced the Vice principal Luna.

"Better go, it's now my job to greet the new students", said Sunset.

"We'll see you later?", asked Fluttershy.

"Of course, bye", said Sunset.
"Bye" waved the girls.

"AND DON'T FORGET THE CUPCAKES!", yelled Pinkie. All the girls looked at her crazy. "Whaaaat, she promised to get me cupcakes at Sugarcube corner before lunch", complained Pinkie Pie.

When Sunset Shimmer went down the hall to meet the girls, she wouldn't believe her eyes.

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