Chapter 14

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Twilight's POV
Today has turned out to be the worst day of my life. Not only did I lose my true love, but I also let my confidence down. I was supposed to help my friends by defeating them, but instead, I let the Dark Stars get to me. Who knows, they might put me under their spell first. I just hope I can get through this without any pain or suffering.

"Twilight, I looked all over for you. You left me in your bag in the classroom. The first thing I saw when I got out was a different class, and some delicious cookies. I knew you left me so I ran, I mean, struggled in the bag, trying to find you", said Spike.

"I'm so sorry Spike. I was so sad and heartbroken, that I didn't even realize the people I love the most", said Twilight.

"Sad and heartbroken? What happened Twilight? It seems like you've been crying for a while in here", said Spike curiously.

"It's the Dark Stars, that's what. I can't seem to fight them off anymore, they're  too strong", said Twilight.

"Tell me everything that happened", said Spike.

Spike was like a brother to Twilight. He wanted to know what made her upset, and help her out through the end. He hated seeing Twilight like this. Especially when she's crying her eyes out, making herself look like a mutant zombie.

Spike: Hey, it's true. She kinda frightened me with that kind of look. Since when did Rarity put mascara on her?

Anyways back to the story.

Twilight told Spike everything that happened in class, like he said. The more Spike started hearing the story, the more he started getting angrier at the second.

"You know what we need to do? We need to find the girls and try to find a plan to eliminate the Dark Stars. The Halloween event is only a week away. We gotta stop the Dark Stars before they affect anymore of us", said Spike full of determination. 

"You're right Spike. We gotta stop the Dark Stars before they affect anyone else! I also need to get out of this bathroom. I've been in here for over 2 periods.

"Yeah, you're starting to smell", said Spike holding his nose.

"You're right. I do smell kind of stinky, but not as stinky as you little man", said Twilight teasing Spike.

"Hey, dogs have their moments", said Spike.

"Hay is for horses. Now let's get out of here. We have to find the girls, oh, they're probably wondering where I am", said Twilight worried.

"Yeah, let's go!"

I know you guys are wondering why I'm still calling it, the "Halloween Event". I know it's March but it would take me a while to try to fix everything, so this'll just be a Halloween type of story. I hope you enjoyed, and see you guys next chapter!!!!

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