Chapter 8

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"So, is that a yes?", asked Crimson. "Yeah, sure", said Radne blushing.
"Alright!!!", cheered Crimson. Radne kissed him on the cheek making both of them blush. "See ya around?", he asked. "Yeah, of course", said Radne.
Crimson walked off with the most biggest smile on his face.

*If any of you are wondering Crimson asked Radne out by the lockers*

"Ooooooh, Raddy's got a bubby", gushed Piscis.

"Shut up Piscis, and don't call me Raddy", said Radne full of annoyance.

"Yeah yeah, you're just embarrassed that I know you have a boyfriend now", said Piscis while eating her bag of Smarties.

"Raddy has a boyfriend?", said Agloape making Radne get more embarrassed.

"Ok, me, and Agloape know that you now have a boyfriend", said Piscis.

"Can we not talk about this, I don't feel comfortable talking about my relationships to you guys", said Radne.

"Why Raddy", said Piscis.

"Because you guys seem so annoying and mean about about it", said Radne. "And I said stop calling me Raddy".

"Oh Radne, there's nothing to hide, I have a new boyfriend too, Flash Sentry. And yes, he used to be Twilight's honey, but now he doesn't feel the love for her anymore", said Agloape with an evil grin.

"Wow, you're evil", said Piscis.

"Piscis, we're always evil", said Agloape.

"Anyway, I think the Rainbooms are getting a little suspicious about us. We don't want them to know our secret", whispered Agloape.

"Yeah, it's obvious that they're gonna plan something for us at the event", said Radne.

"I overheard them talking about singing a song", said Piscis.

"Singing a song huh. I wonder which one," said Agloape with wonder.

"It's probably the same stupid song they sang at the Battle Of The Bands, when they were going to defeat us", said Radne.

"Shhhhhhhh," hushed Agloape.
"You don't want to get us discovered do you?", whispered Agloape with a mean look on her face.

"All I said was, oh", said Radne who remembered what she was talking about.

"If anyone heard that, they might think that we're the, you know", said Agloape.

"Dazzlings", said Piscis a little loud.

"Hush Piscis", said Agloape.

Gee, sorry", said Piscis.

"Let's talk somewhere with less people", said Agloape.

At the Field

"We need to prevent the Rainbooms from breaking the spell, and worse, our magic", said Agloape.

"And how in Equestria will we be able to do that?", asked Radne.

"The same thing that we're doing now, except with more people to fall under our spell", said Agloape.

"I think if we stop the Rainbooms from what they're doing at the Halloween Event, nothing will go wrong, and CHS will be cursed, forever!", Agloape said with the most evil smile on her face.

"Yeah, maybe we could take each Rainboom to fall under our spell so they won't be able to perform at the Halloween event and stop us", said Radne.

"Great idea Radne, we must start off with Sunset. She's the one that all the girls are counting on. Without her, they won't know what to do. We then take out the others, and all the Rainbooms will be under our spell, and won't be able to save the school. Then we will rule over Equestria", said Agloape with evil hope.

"But that might be too much taking them out one by one, and maybe we could try them altogether", said Radne.

"Yes, but we have to leave Sunset Shimmer out. She's the one I've been dreading to get first, since she helped the Rainbooms to defeat us. If it wasn't for her, we could've ruled the whole school by now. I think we could get her individually, while the others will fall under our spell altogether, since they perform their magic together when singing", said Agloape.

"That's more like it", said Radne.

"Yeah, but you guys, the Rainbooms are too powerful to fall for our magic, remembeeeer", said Piscis.

"Oh, right. Well, we did get to them when Trixie trapped them", said Agloape.

"Maybe we could get to them this time with our most powerful evil magic than before. The pony did say that the magic she gave us would affect anyone that hears our voice", said Radne.

"You're right, and with our now, we could affect anyone. I never knew our magic would be more, powerful than the Rainbooms' magic", said Agloape.

"So we won't perform at the Halloween event at all?", asked Piscis confused.

"No Piscis, we still sing our melody, but we won't perform it on stage", said Agloape.

"But that doesn't make sense, how can we still sing but not perform?", said Piscis still confused.

"We don't perform, we sing", said Agloape staring to get tense.

"I still don't get it", said confused Piscis

"WE DON'T PERFORM, WE'LL JUST KEEP SINGING OUR MELODY, NOT ON STAGE", yelled Agloape getting aggravated by Piscis's confusion.

"Ohhhhh, I think I get it know. You could've been more specific Gloapee", said Piscis.

"I, WA, UGH", yelled Agloape as she walked off.

"Uh, are we still supposed to talk about our plan?", asked Piscis.

"Well not now, people are looking at us crazy. I'm going to find Crimson", said Radne.

"Raddy and Crimsy sitting in a tree", sang Piscis.

"Shut up Piscis. You're acting so childish", said Radne.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G", whispered Piscis.


Here's a song that I think you'll guys like from the Dark Stars. It's pretty catchy, and I dislike villains. But anyway, enjoy, and boys and girls, please don't get affected. And if it creeps you out, you don't have to watch the whole thing. THIS VIDEO DOES NOT BELONG TO ME!

Enjoy, and be amazed in Chapter 9, which is already published

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