Chapter 18 - The Halloween Event

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The Halloween Event is finally here! Everyone started buzzing in the halls excitedly. They couldn't wait for tonight! Everyone seemed excited about it, except the Rainbooms. They felt excited, but nervous also.
What if their song backfires and the school is under the Dark Star's spell forever?
What if the Dark Stars defeat them and rule Equestria like they wanted? All of this swam in the girls head like an ocean. They really wanted to help the school in time. Everyone was starting to fight already.

"Get away you girly freak!"
"You get away you...freak!"

"Hey, Aglaope is mine!"
"No, she's mine you goof!"

"You piece of trash!"
"No sweetie, you're the piece of trash here like everybody else!"

"I'm the love of Pisces!"
"No, I am"
"Fine, then I'll take Radne!"
"Uh, no way dude, Radne's mine too!"
"Nuh uh"
"Yeah huh"

"We really need to win the event, or this is gonna go on for quite a while", said Sunset Shimmer looking around in terror as she saw two girls trying to pull each other's hair out.

"Yeah, this is torture", said Rainbow Dash.
"I knew the Dazzling's magic was bad, but not this bad!" said Pinkie Pie.

"You said it, I can't stand to look at this", said Applejack.

"It's awful", said Fluttershy.

"It's terribly tragic", said Rarity.

"Sunset is right, we need to win that event, before the Dark Stars take over, and we don't want that to happen, agreed?" said Twilight.


Later On

"Mm, ah. The smell of power feels great", said Aglaope.

"Yeah, wish we had the Rainbooms magic", said Radne.

"Yeah, too bad they're all back to normal", said Pisces.

"That's alright. I predict an 100% chance that we're gonna slay this event", said Aglaope.

"That's exactly what I wanna hear", said Radne.

"Once we demolish the Rainbooms, we'll demolish this school and take all the power and glory to take over Equestria!" said Aglaope.

"Wait! If we're going to beat the Rainbooms, we need to defeat them in style", said Pisces.

"Ah, your right Pisces. We can't defeat them looking like this, even though we already look good", said Aglaope.

"I'm not much of a fashionista like you Aglaope, but I think I know just the outfits", said Radne with a smirk.

The Halloween Event
The Halloween event finally came like a blur. Everyone dressed in their fun Halloween costumes in the gym. The Rainbooms dressed in their "Shake your tail" outfits.

"Ok girls. We can do this! If we can win in the Battle of The Bands, we can win in this!" said Twilight optimistically.

"Yeah, Twilight's right. We're gonna go out there and kick the Dark Star's butts!" said Rainbow Dash playing a rad note on her guitar.

"YEAH, LET'S ROCK!" yelled Pinkie Pie.

"Attention students! Welcome to our annual Halloween event! I'd like to thank all of you for the help of decorations. The gym looks spooktacular! Now, is time for our fellow ladies to perform for us tonight, to make this event scarier than ever! I firstly announce the Dark Stars to please come on to the stage", announced Principal Celestia.

"That's our cue ladies", said Aglaope as she, Radne and Pisces walked to the stage. All the girls gasped lovingly at their clothes. The girls wore very cute clothing. The guys all drooled love sickening.

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