Chapter 6

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"Can you believe we're going to stop the Dazzlings again", said Spike.

"Yeah, but we have to get them more seriously this time", said Twilight.

"We may have defeated them at the Battle Of The Bands, but before, they got everyone under their spell in a snap, or a snip, or...", trailed off Twilight. She was still learning the human metaphors and similes.

"Snap, just go with snap", said Spike starting to get annoyed from Twilight's unknown sense.

"Yeah, snap", said Twilight.

The bell rang, meaning it was time for

"Sorry Spike, in the bag you go", said Twilight.

"Aw man", said Spike.

Spike had to go in Twilight's bag everytime in class, just so Twilight wouldn't get in trouble for bringing her pet dog in the school. Pets are a violation on school grounds, but Spike wouldn't let Twilight get caught. Well, Spike couldn't let Twilight get caught.

As Twilight went to chemistry class, her favorite class of course. She had to face a wanted enemy.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Miss Sparkle", said Agloape.

"Oh, you must be Agloape, the new girl that everyone is adoring about", said Twilight with a little shiver.

"Yep that's me. I'm really glad that I'm sharing a class with the best vocalist of the Rainbow squad", said Agloape.

"You mean The Rainbooms", corrected Twilight.

"Yeah, whatever. Anyway I'm sooo happy", said Agloape with no excitement but sarcasm in her voice.

"Yeah, happy to tear CHS apart", muttered Twilight under her breath.

"I can't wait for the Halloween Event, can't you?", asked Agloape.

"She sure loves to start a conversation", thought Twilight. 

"I'm actually looking forward to it. Do you know what the plans are?", asked Twilight.

"No, but I can't wait to hear what the plans are, I hope they have a scary singing competition", said Agloape.

"Interesting, nice chatting with you Agloape", said Twilight who wanted to end this conversation because class was about to start, but mostly because it was weird talking to her immortal enemy.

"You too Twilight, I think me and you would be great friends", said Agloape as she sashayed away.

"She doesn't seem that bad I guess. No Twilight, remember that Agloape is a Dazzling in disguise", thought Twilight.

As Twilight sat down, she saw Flash come in the classroom. And of course Twilight was very happy to see him. She waved at him, but Flash was too focused looking at Agloape.

"That's odd. Why is Flash looking at Agloape so lovelike", thought Twilight.

She began to get a little nervous. Her nervousness was then interrupted by her fun chemistry teacher, Mrs. Microcellula. Weird name isn't it. (Just a name I made up)

"Good afternoon my wonderful class, I need you to take out your chemistry notebook please, and a big smile on your face", ordered Ms. Microcellula.

"Funny, she reminds me a lot of Pinkie Pie. I wonder if Ms. M and Pinkie Pie are best friends", thought Twilight.

*After class*

"Class dismissed, oh! And don't let me forget your cookies for your class treat", said Ms. Microcellula.

What a cheerful and awesome teacher she is.

"Hey Twilight!", yelled Flash.

"Yeah", said Twilight excitedly. Guess Flash still had a spark for Twilight after all.

"I been wanting to tell you something, that I've been needing to ask for a long time", said Flash while putting his hand on the back of his head blushing.

"Yes Flash", said Twilight blushing as well.

"Could we, you know, stay as good friends?", asked Flash.

*Hold on just a second. Drinks water and spits it out*
(Ok back to the story)

"Wa, huh, oh, ok. I understand", said Twilight trying hard not to break into tears. She thought Flash still loved her, but she didn't think he felt that way anymore.

Then suddenly a beautiful voice started singing in the background.

"Ahhhhhh, Ahhhhhh, ah, Ahhhhhh, ahhhhh"

Such a beautiful voice that you just can't stop listening to the wonderful melody.

Then Flash started walking towards Agloape, full of love and care in his heart.

Aglaope's melody magic has gotten into Flash, and for some reason he's starting to fall madly in love with her.

"Agloape, could you be mine?", asked Flash, as he bended on his knees. As if asking Agloape to marry him.

"Why Flash, it would be my absolute honor", said Agloape.

Twilight couldn't believe it. Her crush didn't like her anymore, and now Agloape is Flash's new girlfriend.

Twilight ran down the hall in tears.

As she ran Agloape and Flash hugged. Then Agloape saw Twilight running away in tears making herself seem more powerful than ever.

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