Chapter 4

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Twilight's POV
"I couldn't believe what was going on in the human world".

"Sunset Shimmer just sent me a letter that said this:

Dear Twilight,
We're in need of your help. We have a bit of another problem here at CHS. Unfortunately, we have 3 new girls that come here now, and they seem highly suspicious. Me and the others think that they're the ones causing the school to act weird. Really Twilight, you have to see this in person, it's crazy!!!

Sincerely, Sunset Shimmer 

"Uh oh, looks like we have another mission to complete at CHS", I said to Spike, who was actually not listening.

"SPIKE!!!", I yelled.

" Huh, what, when, where, gems!", exclaimed Spike, who was just awoken from his 3 hour nap.

"I said we had another mission to complete at CHS", I repeated.

"Oh, whats the mission?", asked Spike.

"The girls need help, they're dealing with evil curses and spells again", I explained.

I showed Spike the letter. "Sunset is in need of our help, and we need to go, ASAP!", I ordered.

"But what about our friends?", asked Spike.

"I'll inform them, and I'll be quick, just, stay here", I said.

As I was going to tell the girls the news at the Cutie Map, Pinkie Pie had scared the heck out of me.

"SURPRISE!!!!", yelled Pinkie.

"Pinkie, would you please stop doing that, you could give somepony a heart attack", I said.

"Heehee, sorry, I tend get reeeeaaaallly excited", said Pinkie Pie.

"And crazy", I muttered under my breath. Gee, I really love Pinkie, but when things are serious, she's still full
of craziness. But I guess being the element of laughter and happiness makes her special within.

Anyway, I told the girls to meet me at the Cutie Map. And they weren't that happy with what I told them.

"WHAT", yelled the girls.

"You have to leave, again, it seems like you have to leave us all the time for missions in the other world", whined Rainbow Dash.

"I can't believe this, me and Twilight were supposed to go to the fashion show in Canterlot together", whined Rarity.

"Awwwww, now who's supposed to read bedtime stories for me at night ", whined Pinkie.

All of us looked at her crazy. It is true, I have read Pinkie Pie bedtime stories at night, but that's only because she wanted me to for some weird reason.

Forget about that, lets get back to the task at hand.

"Here we go agin", said Applejack.

"Oh my goodness", said Fluttershy.

"I know you guys aren't happy, but me and Spike have to do this", Twilight Sparkle.

"If I don't help, the school could be cursed forever. Do you want that to happen", I sternly said.

All the girls looked down, I guess I got it to them.

"I'm sorry girls, but this is something I have to do, and complete", I said.

"And it's ok, I'll be back", I added.

We all said goodbye and me and Spike were getting ready.

"Ready partner?", I asked, sounding a little bit like Applejack.

"I thought you've never asked", said Spike.

And in 3 seconds, we were off.

Sorry it's short again, but I couldn't think of any details. I know it sucked, but anyway, I hope you enjoyed the short chapter. Byeeeeeee

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