Chapter 15

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Twilight and Spike were running for about 5 minutes, when they finally saw Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Twilight was very excited to see them, but her happiness faded quickly when she realizes the girls looked very gloomy. Plus Twilight was wondering where Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were.

"Hey girls!", said Twilight, pretending she didn't see anything suspicious about the others.

"TWILIGHT, SPIKE!!", exclaimed the girls. They were so relieved to see them both.

"We were just looking for you guys", said Rarity.

"Well, why were you guys standing at the lockers looking so unhappy?", wondered Twilight. She wanted to know what was going on with them.

"Oh, we bumped into Sunset Shimmer, and unfortunately, she wasn't acting like herself at all", said Fluttershy sadly.

"Yeah, she started acting all mean and nasty to us, like she was before", said Pinkie Pie.

"Well that's strange, Sunset isn't like that anymore, she turned into a good person after that chaos happening at the Fall Formal", Twilight explained.

"Yeah, but sadly Sunset must've been affected by the Dark Stars spell", said Rarity.

"Oh right! Does that mean Applejack and Rainbow Dash are also affected as well?", asked Twilight looking around for them.

"YEP", said Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity at the same time.

"You know what, we should find those girls and stop them ourselves, before the event", said Spike bravely.

"You're right Spike, but do you realize that we haven't seen the Dark Stars at all after what happened?", said Twilight suspiciously.

"Oh, I know exactly where they are!", said Spike.

"REALLY, where!!!", said Pinkie Pie

"Where they always are".

At the field
"OK girls, I think we got hold of some of the Rainbooms, now we just need to get the rest of them, and then our plan would go perfectly! Our magic will roam the land of MAGIC!!", said Aglaope loudly.

"Shhh, don't get too loud Aglaope, you're gonna creep people out", said Radne.

"Oh, my bad. Anyway, we need to stop Twilight and her 3 other friends before they might find a way to defeat us", said Aglaope.

"Or we should stop them now, because here they come", said Pisces as she pointed towards Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Spike.

"Oh! New friends, you know what that means, more singing", said Aglaope in a wicked grin.

"No, no more singing. You have enough of our friends under your crazy spell", said Twilight angrily. "No matter how many times you guys try, you'll never affect us!".

"Oh really. We affected you guys at the Battle of the Band's, don't you remember?", said Aglaope smirking her evil grin.

"Yeah, you guys were just too easy", said Radne.

"Well, to be honest, it took time, but we still got you!", said Pisces making a silly face.

"Wait, what?", said Twilight confused.

"Wait a minute, THEY'RE THE DAZZLING GUYS!", yelled Pinkie as the girls shushed her.

"But, how can that be? We defeated you at the Battle of the Bands", said Rarity perplexed.

"For good", added Fluttershy.

"No, not for good. We came back, and transformed ourselves into the Dark Stars so no one would know our identities. We couldn't show up at Canterlot High in our real identities and be made fools of ourselves, so disguising ourselves was the only thing to do", explained Aglaope.

"No wonder, your singing still affects the people at school, just like during the Battle Of The Bands", said Twilight.

"But, why did you have to come back and ruin our happiness all over again?", said Pinkie gloomily.

"Because, that's what we do. Enough chit chat, it's time for you guys to go", said Aglaope.

"Girls, let's get em", she said.

"I don't think so", said Spike as he started growing at them.

"Aw, what's a cute dog like you gonna do about it?", said Pisces in a squeaky voice.

The bell suddenly rang for lunch.

"Hmph, you're lucky, we'll deal with you guys at the Halloween event", said Aglaope as she Radne and Pisces waked away.

"Come on guys", said Twilight as she and the others walked off too.

Guys, I want to apologize for being 9 months late! I'm just really sorry I was absent for so long, please don't hate me, I love you! I'm sorry I bailed out on you guys, please forgive me😢
To make it up to you, I finished the whole story for you wonderful friends for my long absence as a Christmas present! Surprise!🎉🎊
Stay tuned, next chapter!!

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