Chapter 11

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"Ugh, those Rainbooms are singing their happy song again", said Agloape.

"But no worries, our plan will happen today, without any distractions", she said.

"What do you mean distractions, we don't get distracted", said Piscis.

"Piscis, you're always distracted by tacos and food, and Radne gets distracted by her boyfriend", said Agloape.

"No I don't, well maybe. You're always distracted by Flash Sentry", said Radne.

"Yes, that may be true. But you are always being distracted by your Crimsy, more than me being distracted by my, Flashy", said Agloape.

"Whatever, lets just get this over with", said Radne.

"Plan begins-

"WAIT, we're gonna have lunch right, it's Taco Tuesday", sang Piscis.

"Really Piscis, our plan doesn't begin to have tacos, our plan begins to annihilate the Rainbooms", said Agloape.

"I know that, I'm just very hungry", said Piscis.

"Ugh, go back to sleep Piscis", said Radne.

"I can't, it's the start of school, and its in the morning. I would sleep in math class though, that class is soooo boring", said Piscis starting to get very talkative.

"PISCIS!", yelled Agloape.

"Ok, Ok", said Piscis

*School Bell Rings*

"Now, let's get started", said Agloape.

3rd Period

"Oh, hello Sunset Shimmer, I didn't see you there", said Agloape. Agloape "accidentally" pushed into Sunset Shimmer by the lockers. For some strange reason, Sunset was a little confused by her niceness.

"Uh, it's ok. Soooo ready for 3rd period?", asked Sunset.

"Why of course, what class do you have?".

"P. E"

"Yay, my class, lets go!", said Agloape.

"Weird, why is she acting so nice. Something is up", thought Sunset Shimmer

During PE, Agloape was trying her best to get to Sunset by being friendly and bubbly. The weird thing is, Sunset felt embarrassed by her. Agloape was acting like Pinkie Pie a little bit. Ok, more like a lot.

As they were playing volleyball, things started to change.

"Volleyball sure can be a pain, right?", asked Agloape as she hit the ball.

"Yeah, but once you get used to it, it's not so hard", said Sunset Shimmer.

"Interesting, and here I thought sports weren't our fortè", said Agloape.

She then got hit in the face with the ball.

Everyone started laughing

"Come on Agloape, you don't want to get face surgery on the first day of volleyball do you?", said Coach

Coach was supposed to fall under the Dark Stars spell, but unfortunately, she was starting to get crazy from the magic, and kind of joined the girls arguments towards each other. She thought that since the principals were arguing and doing their thing, she could do the same.

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