Chapter 3

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When Sunset Shimmer went down the hall to meet the girls, she wouldn't believe her eyes. 3 girls stood in front of her, with big smirks on their faces. They were very beautiful, so beautiful that a mirror would break into pieces because of their beauty. Sunset started to get a little suspicious, they kinda reminded her of some other girls she known, but she didn't want to get in anyone's business.

"Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer. "I see you girls are new here at CHS", said Sunset.

"Oh yes, we are new here, and can I tell you, this school seems really special", said the beautiful blonde haired pink girl.

"Wow, thanks, I'll make sure to tell Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna that" said Sunset. "So what's your names?".

"Oh, excuse our manners. I'm Aglaope, this is Piscis, and Radne", said the blond headed girl.

Piscis was the sweet looking blue haired girl, with a pretty purple and black dress, and cute purple boots with black bows on top. Reminds you of Pinkie Pie's outfit a little bit. She also had a sea anemone on the side of her skirt.

Radne was the sporty looking green girl with long pretty green hair, with a bright yellow- green top and a black skirt, with black high tops. And little clam like shapes on the side of her skirt.

And of course, the one and only beauty, Aglaope. The blonde haired pink pony, with a pretty pink top, and a pretty black skirt. The boots were to die for. She also had a clam with a pretty pearl inside, on the middle of her top.

I gotta say, Sunset was impressed. Rarity would also be impressed by their fashion.

"It's nice to meet you, here, follow me, I'll show you around the school", said Sunset Shimmer.

As lunch rolled by, everyone was talking about the new girls. All of the boys were always gawking, blushing, and smiling everytime they walked by. And the girls would always fight over each other for some unknown reason. Flash Sentry (Twilight's crush, and Sunset's ex-boyfriend) said that he had a humongous case of puppy love for Aglaope. Sunset Shimmer couldn't believe it. It seemed like all the boys were falling head over heels for the new girls. And she was confused on how the Wondercolt girls were acting so mean to each other since then.

"Hey guys, do you have any idea of what's going on today?", asked Sunset. She needed to know what's happening, and why.

"You noticed it too?", asked Fluttershy.
"Oh yes, all of the girls were fighting and arguing with each other in science class, they nearly broke the microscopes", explained Rarity

"And the guys were acting like little puppies in P.E. I think it has something to do with those new girls", said Rainbow Dash.

"And I overheard Flash and the guys saying that Flash has the case of the puppy love for Aglaope", said Applejack.

"And I saw the girls arguing with each other on "who's the prettiest girl in school", explained Fluttershy.

"And I saw the boys take all the cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner, and said that they were hungry for love", explained Pinkie Pie. "Now there's no more cupcakes", said Pinkie Pie sadly.

"What happened to the cupcakes I got you", asked Sunset.

"Oh, I finished those cupcakes already, I told you I was hungry", answered Pinkie Pie happily while putting a piece of salad in her mouth. "Nomnomnom".

"Oh, well never mind that. We need to figure out what these girls are doing to the school", asked Sunset.

"Did they seem suspicious when you met em", asked Applejack.

"Not really, I mean, they did had big smirks on their faces as if they were up to something" answered Sunset.

"Speaking of the new girls, I think they're coming in right now", said Fluttershy.

The girls came in the lunchroom singing a beautiful melody. Everyone stopped eating their delicious hamburgers and stared at the girls. As their singing became more deeper and possesive, all of the guys eyes started turning into hearts and the girls started arguing again. Green magic aired everywhere around the lunchroom, just like the last time.

"This is crazy, we need to know what's going on with those girls before the school gets cursed", thought Sunset.

Aglaope's POV
As we walked in the school, we were ready to repeat our troubles again, but this time in disguise. We were disguised as the three mermaid sirens. But really, we can't tell the secret of how we're in this disguise because if we do, it would ruin our opportunity to get revenge. We had stunning beauty which would make it easier to accomplish our goal.

Anyway, we stopped at the front steps of the school and discussed our plans.

"This is it girls, the moment we've been waiting for, the moment to strike back again and destroy the Rainbooms," I explained.

"Ya know, this doesn't seem so bad, I mean, I never knew I rock it in a skirt", said Aria.

"I know right, this is so comfortable, I think I love purple!!!", squealed Sonata.

"We shouldn't waste our time complimenting our looks, we need to show the school who's boss. With our new magic, we can do anything!", I said

We went into the school, and of course we met the 2 principals once again. We were greeted with welcoming, again also. Ugh, it makes me sick.

The Vice Principal, called down the same girl from the last time we were here. Sunset Shimmer, or as I would call her, She-Demon Shimmer.

Enough of the boring stuff, since theirs no events or anything. It. seemed like we came at the wrong time. But there's no turning back.

All of the boys were head over heels over us. But mostly, the boys fell over me. Looks like Flash Sentry is no longer in love with Twilight now that I'm here. We also made all the girls argue and fight with each other. Kind of like our old magic, when everyone battled towards each other, but other than that, we were taking over.

We sang our soul melody to the cafetorium, everyone back to their possessed selves. But this magic, has just begun.

Hope this was ok. It didn't to make sense, but all stories doesn't make sense that much. By the way, Adagio is Aglaope, Aria is Radne, and Sonata is Piscis. Hoped that helped. See you in the next chapter, which would probably take time. Byeee!!!!

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