Chapter 5

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As Twilight and Spike went into the portal, they were back to their different selves. Twilight was back into her human form, and Spike was back into his adorable dog form. As they got up from their fall, they looked around Canterlot High. It seemed like the same from the beginning, nothing seemed wrong. But as they walked in the school, they could see the problem clearly.

Twilight's POV

I couldn't believe it. It was like a school chaos, in fact, it was a school chaos. Me and Spike didn't know what to do. The only thing we could do, was stand in shock. Girls were fighting each other, boys were acting like love puppies, even Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were arguing with each other. I couldn't take it, and I'm sure Spike couldn't take it either.

"Spike, we have to find the girls, this is crazy", I said.

"I'm way ahead of you", agreed Spike.

The only place that the girls were probably in was the band room, and it took 10 minutes for me and Spike to get there because of the other girls fighting all over the place like cats.

We were finally free when we were at the door. I took a big deep breath and opened it. All the girls were very happy to see us. And we were also happy to see them.

The only word that came out of my mouth, was "wa, when, how, Celestia".

"Uh, are you ok?", said Rainbow Dash confused

"Yeah, it's just what's going on, it's crazy", I answered

"Yeah, you just noticed that", said Rainbow Dash.

""Rainbow!", exclaimed Applejack while she hit her elbow on her arm.

"Ow", said Rainbow with a mean look on her face towards Applejack.

"It's ok Twilight, you should be fine now that you and Spike are in here with us", said Fluttershy as she petted Spike, who always seemed to like it.

"Yeah, don't let the crazy chaos get to you", said Pinkie trying to cheer us up.

"I know how you feel, this has been going on ever since the new girls came to the school", said Sunset Shimmer

"That's actually what I wanted to tell you guys about. Who are these new girls?", I asked.

"They're these girls that sing melodies to make people fall under their spell. Everytime they sing, the other girls argue, and the boys act lovesick. I think everyone here is possessed ", explained Sunset.

"Ya know, it's kinda like what the Dazzlings did", added Applejack.

"OMC, I just thought of something crazy", said Pinkie Pie excitedly.

"What if the Dazzlings randomly came back to our school but came back as the Dark Stars the new girls, to hide their identity so they can take over the school", said Pinkie in one breath.

"Well that would be weird", said Rainbow Dash.

Heavens no, it's impossible, we destroyed their necklaces, and they disappeared ever since", said Rarity. "There's no reason for them to come back".

"Yeah, it'd be weird if they came back and disguised themselves or something  ", agreed Rainbow.

"Yeah, that would be CRAZY right!", said Pinkie.

"But you never know, it could happen", Spike said. "I think Pinkie might be right, it seems like they disguised themselves. "I can still see the dark hearts from their soul like before". "And no, I didn't go in their souls or anything", said Spike.

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