Chapter 7

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Twilight's POV
I couldn't believe this. Flash no longer likes me anymore. This feels like Nightmare Moon's nightmare, except that Nightmare Moon isn't a human to control it. Ugh. Who knew romance could be so hard. Before I started crying, I went to the bathroom. Luckily no other girls were there. Guess they're too busy arguing to even use the potty. This day is getting worse than I thought.

"Twilight, are you ok?", asked Spike as I unzipped my bag.

"No I'm not ok, Flash just, moved on", I said crying raining tears from my eyes.

"You mean, he left you for another beautiful girl that's better than you?", guessed Spike.

Of course I looked at him with a mean look.

"Sorry", apologized Spike.

"Twilight, you've got to forget about men, well except me that is", he said.

"Anyway, there's so may other things that you can do instead of sitting here for 15 minutes crying over the guy of your dreams", continued Spike.

"Plus, we're here to stop the Dark Stars, not cry over your love life", said Spike.

"We need to save CHS, from the horrible spells and secrets, and we must, oh we must, help the school from winning back its faithful school spirit!!!!", cheered Spike.

"You're right Spike, no need for broken hearts, it's time for fixing hearts, and I know just the plan", I said with a smile.

At the Gym

WHAT?!", yelled Pinkie Pie as she heard the news. Twilight and the other girls were at the gym listening to Twilight's plan for the Halloween Event. Unfortunately, they didn't seem that excited.

"So, ya saying that we have to sing the same song we sang to defeat the Dazzlings at the Battle Of the Bands, to defeat the Dark Stars?", asked Applejack.

"Yes, it's the only way we could defeat them", I said.

"But darling, there's not a spooky talent show for us to perform", said Rarity.

"Well we could tell Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna if we could sing a special Halloween song for the event, I think they might like that", said Sunset Shimmer.

"But how can we do that if they've already fallen under the spell. Wouldn't they act weird around us?", said Rainbow Dash.

"They only fall under the spell when the Dark Stars are around, or when they sing", answered Fluttershy.

"Oh right, I knew that", said Rainbow Dash.

"Well I guess we could give it a shot. LET'S DO THIS, with some cotton candy", said Pinkie Pie as she pulled out pink cotton candy from her bag.

"Oh Pinkie", said all of us.

"What, we wouldn't survive without cotton candy, and cupcakes, and cake and cookies and ice cream, and-

"PINKIE", we yelled.

"Woopsies", said Pinkie with a smile.

"Anyway, shouldn't we do a Halloween song instead of the song we sang at the Battle of the Bands? I mean it'd be weird singing the same song that's not part of Halloween material", said Sunset.

"That does make sense", agreed Rainbow Dash.

"We could do that, it can still talk about us, and our powerful magic, but with Halloween style", I said.

"Oh, and I know just the Halloween style", said Rarity full of excitement.

"Here we go again", said Applejack as she rolled her eyes.

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