Chapter 16

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"I can't believe I didn't notice it before! I knew those girls seemed familiar", said Twilight barely touching her food.

"Yes, I absolutely agree darling! I can't believe the Dazzlings came back to defeat us", said Rarity.

"Again! They're trying to defeat us again! How're we gonna stop them now, the Halloween event is tomorrow night!", said Pinkie Pie.

"We have to perform our song to defeat them remember, like at the Battle of the Bands", said Twilight.

"Yeah, but we can't do it without Sunset, Applejack or Rainbow Dash. We all sang together", said Fluttershy.

"You're right! We need to get Sunset, Rainbow Dash and AJ back, but how?", said Twilight thinking.
All the girls started thinking!

"I know! How about we sing our song in front of them to break the spell!", said Pinkie Pie happily.

"Hm, that could work, but it would sound weird without our guitar and bass players", said Twilight.

"We may not need them, we can just song to them without our instruments!", exclaimed Rarity.

"Yeah, our voices sound better together!", said Fluttershy.

"I guess you guys are right! Ok, lets do it! Now, how are we gonna do this?", said Twilight with a smile.

"Me, Pinkie and Fluttershy will each get the girls. Twilight, You wait for us in the band room", explained Rarity.

"Alright, sounds like a plan! We'll do this after school!", said Twilight.

"Woohoo, lets go Rainbooms!!", cheered Pinkie Pie.

Before they knew it, school was over. They did what they planned as Twilight and Spike waited in the band room.

Rarity's POV
I quickly tried to find Sunset Summer before she left.
"Sunset! Sunset Shimmer, darling! I need to see you for a minute!", I said as I called Sunset from overhead.

"What do you want?", she said coldly.

"I just need to take you to the band room please, for a huge favor", I said.

"Why would I go there, band rooms are for geeks", she said flipping her hair in my face.

"Well, it's just for a minute, I promise!", I said honestly.

"Well hello there Rarity, Sunset", said Radne as she walked up to us. Sunset put on a big smile and waved happily.

"Hey Rad, what's up?", said Sunset still smiling big.

"Nothing much, just hanging out with Crimson, no biggie", she said.

"Ooh, you guys make such a great couple!", said Sunset giggling hysterically. My goodness, Sunset was sure acting weird under their spell.

"Um, okay, Radne if you could excuse us darling, me and Sunset need to go somewhere real quick", I said trying to pull Sunset Shimmer away.

"Uh, I've never said I wanted to go anywhere with you", said Sunset Shimmer rudely.

"Well, you're going anyway", I said pulling her away with utter difficulty. Oh, I think I chipped my beautiful nail.

Pinkie Pie's POV
As I walked out of class, I quickly went into the lunch room to grab one of Granny Smith's apple cupcakes, yum! Then, I walked out and tried to chat with DJ Pon 3 in the hallway, but she gave me a mean look and walked away. So instead, I ate my cupcake and tried to talk to one of my teachers, but they just slammed their door in my face. People were sure acting mean and grumpy today, maybe because they're tired. Well, they shouldn't be, it's Friday, and it's the Halloween Event tonight, who wouldn't be excited for that! Anyway, I then realized what I was supposed to do, I was supposed to get some more apple cupcakes, yum yum! Hee Hee, just kidding, I was supposed to find Rainbow Dash, silly me! It wasn't hard finding her, she was outside playing soccer by herself. I quickly ran towards her.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash, can I tell you something!" I said.

"What do you want?" she said a bit mean.

"I just wanted to tell you if you can come with me to the band room. We need to be there ASAP!" I said.

"No way, I need to practice", Rainbow said.

"Please Rainbow, it's really important", I pleaded.

"No!" she said more meanly.

"You heard her Pinkie Pie, she said no", said Pisces appearing out of nowhere, like a witch.

"What are you doing here?" I said.

"Oh, me? Just eating tacos!" she said as she ate a taco.

"Ooh, could I have one?", I asked.

"Sure", Pisces said as she gave me a taco.
"Thanks!", I said gobbling it up.

"Ok, I'm gonna go, if you don't mind. By the way, you're awesome Pisces!" Rainbow said.

"I know I am", said Pisces.

"Wait, no! I need you, Rainbow!" I said.

"For what?" she asked annoyed.

"Just for a favor, come on!" I said pulling her arm.

"Face of Pinkie, you and your friends won't win", said Pisces evilly.

I looked back at her as I kept pulling Rainbow Dash's arm.

Fluttershy's POV
When the bell rang for the end of school, I quietly tried to find Applejack. I couldn't find her, and I was starting to feel scared and worried. Where is she? Is she hurt? Is she lost? I finally spotted her by the lockers talking to Apple bloom. It seemed they were in a sisterly argument. I didn't want to interrupt, so I waited until they were done arguing. They stormed away from each other after 2 minutes of arguing. I ran after Applejack before I lost her again. Then just as I was about to catch up to her, Aglaope was talking to her. It seemed they were in an enjoyable conversation because  Applejack was suddenly smiling and laughing. I tried waiting again, bit they were talking for a long time, so I just approached them shyly.

"Um, excuse me, but, um, Applejack, can you come with me to the band room", I said.

"Why, you're scared of something?" joked Applejack as she and Aglaope snickered.

"Um, no. It's just for a surprise, um, will you come with?" I said.

"Go ahead AJ, I'll wait for you outside the band room", said Aglaope. Oh no, we couldn't have Aglaope watching is trying to break the spell.

"No! Um, I mean, my friends wanted to see AJ in private", I said.

"Why can't Aggie come?" said Applejack.

"Let's just go", I said taking Applejack away to the band room.

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