Chapter 19

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"Yes, we did it!" cheered Spike.

"We sure did Spike. All to the help of Flash", said Applejack.

"Aw Applejack, don't make me blush", said Flash as the girls laughed and giggled.

"We were awesome out there! Me you and Sunset should play together sometime", said Rainbow Dash.

"YEAH! You guys were so cool!" said Pinkie Pie.

"You were really good out there", said Twilight as the girls started walking away.

"Thanks, you were too. I'm sorry about the Aglaope thing, I swear I wasn't in love with her to begin with", said Flash.

"I know, Aglaope was actually Adagio Dazzle in disguise", said Twilight.

"No way! Really?"

"Yep. Radne was Aria Blaze and Pisces was Sonata Dusk", said Twilught.

"Wow, I didn't know that. I wonder how Crimson feels about being in love with Aria Blaze", laughed Flash. Twilight laughed with.

"Well, I have to get going soon. I'm pretty sure my friends are waiting for me back in Equestria", said Twilight.

"Oh yeah, right? Will I see you again sometime?" said Flash blushing.

"Maybe. Unless there's another villain or villains to defeat, then you know I'll be here", said Twilight jokingly as Flash laughed.

"Well then, bye Flash", said Twilight. Flash held her hand back as he kissed her passionately on the lips.

In an Ocean

"I can't believe we disappeared here", said Aglaope glumly.

"Aw come on Aglaope, you should have fun! We're under the sea, like the little mermaid!" said Pisces.

"So, are we stuck as mermaids or what?" said Radne.

"The potion said that this transformation lasts for a year", said Aglaope. Radne groaned.

"I want my old body back", complained Radne.

"Um guys, is that a shark?" said Pisces staring at a shark coming the girls' way.

"Oh no, it is! Run! I mean, swim!" said Aglaope as the three of them swam away frantically as the shark swam after them.

This is the end everyone! Hopefully the Dark Stars gets eaten. Just kidding! Anyway, bye friends, Merry Christmas🎄, and hope you enjoyed! ❤️💖❤️💖

Equestria Girls: The Dark StarsWhere stories live. Discover now